Chapter 49:

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A/N: A quick cut away from the fight to see a certain mother's side of things.


While Neo and his father worked out some longstanding issues and Luz making the palace a mess, the last member of their little family had a lot to consider.


The woman sighed as she sat at her table, a small cup of coffee in her hands, unable to sleep thanks to her worry.

14 years.

For almost a decade and a half, she hadn't seen the father of her teenaged daughter, believing she'd never see him again. But not even a day ago, he magically appears back in her life, wounded yes, but still he came back.

Camilla(thinking): I hope they are both okay...

And was now worrying over the both of them, battling his father, which she wishes she didn't have her daughter go in to fight.

She couldn't help thinking that she ended causing all of this with Luz running away.

Camilla(thinking): Did I push her too far? Was I too forceful?

Luz was always a more expressive and happy little girl, but she was always outcasted by her peers because of it, having no real friends. Only issue is how she apparently got trapped in another world because of her forcing her into going to camp.

Then she thought more of when Luz started acting out.

Camilla(thinking): I guess when learning that, it makes sense...

She thought as her daughter had been acting more out of it when she started her new year of school, where they had a serious talk. The girl was old enough to know the truth about her real "father" and the man she called father when she was a girl.

Luz needless to say didn't take it to well...

"So my papi... isn't even my papi?!?!"

The girl's shout made the woman flinch at the memory as she remembered seeing her daughter harshly stand up and glare at her.

"N-now calm down..."

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!?! You expect me to do that, just accept that my father isn't him?!"

She asked as she pointed to a framed photo on the wall.

Right before she threw it.


Camilla sighed as she looked at the new frame she had to buy given how, even if he wasn't Luz's real father, was still with them when they were suffering.

Camilla(thinking): I know she was struggling, but still...

If someone where to hear that Luz had a complete freak out, they would think it's very much unlike her with how she acts. But when hearing something as serious as who her real father may be, she was understandably upset.

And then came Neo himself, he literally stopped himself from aging to be with her.

Camilla: And that he went so far...

She said, this time out loud with a small laugh, almost a sob as she couldn't help but think of how much is changing. From learning about magic being real, seeing her daughter not in camp, but in a magical world, and her ex returning?

It was a lot to really process.

Camilla(thinking): He really is Luz's father...

All her tendencies, mannerisms, and even personality were fairly similar between the father and daughter.

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