Chapter 46:

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A/N: More family fluff~


Neo: We have a special girl Camilla.

He said as they hugged tightly, the woman nodding.

Camilla: Yes, and she spent the summer with her father without me knowing.

She said back as they sat on his bed, looking out the door where Luz was possibly waiting.

Neo: By the way, when we get back do you want to maybe... *test out the bed springs~?*

He asked with a grin as the woman went red in seconds.

Camilla(low): I-I-I suppose...

She said while shaking in his hold.

Camilla: S-so Luz knows m-magic?

Neo: Yep.

He said with a nod, the woman sharing it.

Camilla: I-I see...

She said as she mulled something over.

Camilla: S-so would she still go to school here or is there school there, in that o-other world?

Neo: I think that's up to her.

The man said as the woman hummed and nodded.

Camilla: Very well, think we should bring her in, I know she must be dying to join in.

She said while smiling at the door.

A Few Minutes Later:

Neo: Hey Luz, can I ask you something?

He asked the cat girl, who after being let in, and falling on her face from leaning on the door, was now apart of the first official family conversation.

Luz: Oh yeah, sure, what's up?

She asked, enjoying her mother's petting on her head.

Neo: I was wondering, if you just wanted to keep calling me Neo... or dad?


Hearing that made Luz's eyes shoot open and her tail straightening from the offer.

Luz: W-would you w-want me to call you d-d-dad?

She never grew up with a father and to suddenly say it was something foreign in her mouth, Camilla rubbing her back gently.

Camila: Nija, he asked you.

Neo: I'll be fine with whichever you want.

He reassured the cat girl, who rubbed her arm shyly.

Luz: I-I'd like to call you dad, b-but it'll be something to adjust too.

Camilla: Don't force yourself sweetie, it's something you'll just have to adjust too.

The girl was clearly shocked when hearing her mentor was her father, and being told he can call him dad was another surprise.

Neo smiled then chuckled slightly.

Both Noceda woman smiling when seeing him smile.

Camilla: Something funny?

Neo: Oh sorry, I just got this image of babies with cat ears in my head.

He said, the two then chuckling at the image as well.

Camilla: Aw, that's so cute~!

Luz: And hey, I'm like that already~!

She said, wiggling her eyes slightly, the two laughing a little more.

Neo smiled at the two warmly, his first apprentice and his long lost love, who was also the mother of his daughter.

Neo(thinking): I'm gonna protect my family.

He thought firmly while watching them.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

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