Chapter 39:

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A/N: Some after Grom photos~!


Neo: Cheez~!

He said while positioning the camera.


Which flashed over him to add to the collection.

Neo: Say queens.

He said towards those now in front of the camera, who blushed at that.

Luz: Cheese~!!!

Amity: C-Cheese~...

They said as Luz pulled her close with a hug.

Neo: Really, no kiss?

He asked with a teasing tone as Amity blushed brighter than Luz was, even if they both blushed.

Amity(nervous): I-I don't know...

Luz: You think it'd look good?

Neo: Yes.

The man said without hesitation.

Eda: Come on, kiss!

She encouraged as Amity mumbled something while Luz turned to her.

Luz: Ehehe, sorry about them...

Amity(low): I-it's fine...

She said back as her mind betrayed her true thoughts.

Amity(thinking): YES!!! MORE KISSES!!!

Neo: Now one with the familiar, and~... perfect!

He said with Frost and Raider on their owner's shoulders.

Frost: Make sure to get my good side!

Raider: It seems I was right to believe your feelings for one another.

He said, much to her owner's embarrassment.

Neo: Is my hair alright?

The warlock asked as he and Eda stood in front of the camera, the witch smiling at him.

Eda: Looks great as always. How's mine?

She asked, referring to her own.

Neo: Great~!

He said before he kissed her.

Eda: Mmmm~!

She hummed as she held on close with Luz taking the photo with a smile at the Grom couple.

Neo pinched Eda's butt as he picked her up.


Eda: EEEP!!!

She gasped in surprise as she rested in his arms, the man smirking down at her.

Neo: You're adorable.

He said with a smile as Eda blushed brightly at him.

Eda: T-thanks...

She said while looking away as the photo was taken, as well as a few other poses.

Neo: Are we going have to give you two ladies a separate room?

He asked with a smirk as, in the next photo, it had the Grom queens sitting, or more like Amity sitting while Luz laid on her lap.

Luz: Purrr~... purrr~...

The Blight girl gently stroking her head and tail.

Amity: P-please stop...

Eda: If not that, than a new dentist.

Neo: I could give you some lube if you want.

He kindly offered the new couple.


Amity: W-WHAT!?!?

She shouted in shock and further embarrassment as Eda laughed at her reaction.

Eda: AHAHAHAHAHA!!! You should see your face!!

Neo: Another great Grom.


A/N: Just short and fluff.

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