Chapter 23:

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A/N: Just a small take away chapter showing what King and the rest are doing.


Yami: Remind me what are you doing.

He asked with a bored tone in his voice as he watched the rest, King, Familiars, and creations, standing in line.

King: Boot Camp! Men! You're here to train to be the best you can be!

He said while standing before them all with a "hard" look in his eye, trying to take the role as the instructor, mainly because his name is King.

Yami: Why are we stuck with baby sitting duty?

He asked in annoyance as he rested his head in his arms.

Merlin: Because we would be distracting to Luz and Edalyn while training.

He said, looking specifically at King and Frost.

Frost: Hey!

Merlin: Besides, being a fire dragon, don't you hate the cold?

Yami: Is this any better?

He asked while pointing to King yelling at Sugar Bear and Rock Biter to do better, despite them being perfectly still.

Merlin: ...Fair point.

Frost: I think it's funny!

King: This is not meant to be funny! I am here to train you all to be better than you already are, which isn't much!

Yami breathed fire.


King: YA!!!

She screamed as he dodged the fire and hid behind Frost, who just smiled at the fire.

Frost: Pretty~!

Merlin: You don't have to stay here Yami, surely me and Frost can take care of him.

He suggested with a wing up.

Yami nodded and decided to raid the fridge.


Opening the fridge, he hovered in the air while scanning for anything interesting to eat. There's a lot of fish, Apple's Blood, "Milk", and so much more for the fire breathing reptile to eat.

And Eda could just restock when she gets back.

Yami: Delicious~!

He said, quickly grabbing one of everything and began eating away.

Chomp chomp chomp chomp~!!

His huge maw clamping loudly against each other with his mouth glowing from the heat in his chest.



A sizable fireball going into the air and nearly hitting the ceiling, but the dragon was satisfied for the moment with his meal.

In The Other Room:

Frost blew cold breath.



King: AHHH!!!

He screamed as Frost froze his entire tail, making him land on his back painfully with the sudden weight. All while this was happening, Frost was laughing her lungs out as Merlin sighed at the sight.

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