Chapter 20:

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A/N: More Eda/Neo fluff and plot development, enjoy!


Neo woke up with a smile he was naked in Eda's nest with said woman clinging to him.

Eda: Mmm~...

The pale witch had the happiest smile on her face as she hugged him. Her body was clinging to him like an excited child.

It was incredibly adorable to the to the Warlock.

He held her butt.

Eda: Mmmm~...

Making Eda hum more in her sleep with a blush.

Eda(thinking): So strong~!!

Or was she asleep?

He kissed her forehead.


Eda smiled more as she opened her eyes to see him.

Eda: Morning~!

Neo: Was it as good as you dreamed?

He asked as Eda giggled, hugging his chest.

Eda: It was better~.

She said with a small purr of joy.

As Neo got up, he spanked her on her backside.


Eda: YIPE!!

She shouted while sitting up in shock. Turning to him, her face was red with a pout.

Eda: Easy.

Neo licked his hand.

Eda shivered slightly with a brighter blush seeing that. Getting up herself, she pulled her blanket up to cover herself.

Eda(nervous): S-so how was it f-for you?

Neo: Hot and sexy my sweet owlet. I wouldn't mind if you never wore clothes again.

He admitted with Eda blushing brightly at that.

Eda: T-thank you!!!

Eda(thinking): SWEET TITAN YES!!!

She thought in joy at her idol liking her.

Neo: Though don't think I'm gonna go easy on your studying.


Luz: Hmmm...

She said, Frost on her head as they stared at the two. Eda was grinning happily while moving stuff around. Neo smiled himself as he sat back.

Luz: You 2 seem happier than normal.

King: Yeah what happened?

Eda: Oh nothing~!

Neo giggled.

Luz and King turned to each other in confusion

Merlin: Best not to question it children.

King: I am not a kid!!

Yami: And yet you act like such.

Luz pounced on a butterfly.

Luz: Get back here!!

She said, bouncing up and down to catch it. The rest of the residents watched in amusement.

Frost: Haha!! She'll never get that bug!!

Neo: Cats don't know when to quit.

Eda: And neither does Luz apparently. Hey kid, help me with these boxes!!

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