Chapter 7:

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A/N: Things get intense this chapter ! Enjoy!


Luz purred as she lightly snored on the couch, curled around Sugar Bear, both asleep.

Eda smiles as she grabbed a blanket, draping it over her.

Neo sleep in the nest as the rain hit the ground.

He had to admit that the nest was very comfortable to rest in. Added the sound of the rain it was very soothing to him.

The only thing better would be a nice lady to share it with.

Said lady had just silently entered the room and went to slowly grab her elixir.

Eda(thinking): Perfect~

Neo: Zzz...

Eda smiled as she saw Neo happily sleep on her bed. It was a relief to know that he was comfy in her nest.

She's be even more embarrassed if he ended up hating it.

Neo(in his sleep): Soft feathers...

Eda's eyes widened as she heard that.

Eda(thinking): How'd he know?!

Shaking it off, she went back to her objective. Popping the cork, she began drinking the glowing liquid. Had she paid attention, she would've noticed the jar's tag fly off and land on Neo's chest.

An hour later, Neo woke up.

Sitting up with a yawn, he smiled at how relaxed his body felt. Gripping the blanket, he noticed something under his hand. Lifting it up, he saw a tag stuck to his palm.

He read it.

"An Elixir A Day Keeps The Curse At Bay"

Neo: Where did this come from?

Looking around the room, his eyes fell on the empty bottle from earlier. Squinting his eyes, he sat up, placing the tag loop over the bottle lid.

It fit perfectly.

Neo: Uh oh...

Eda's lie from earlier made more sense now as he stood up. She was probably too nervous to say that she was cursed.

Thing is though, WHAT was her curse?

Neo noticed it was kinda dark even though it was afternoon.

That put him on edge as he walked over to the door, his hand grabbing Orion while walking out the room.

Slowly he moved.

The light of his staff illuminated the dark hall as he lightly stepped as to not make a sound.

Neo wasn't scared of things, but his survival instinct made him cautious.

His eyes scanned the barely lit hallway, soon making it down the stairs where he heard the rain louder than before. Looking to the side, he saw the door bursted open.

And Hooty was unconscious.

Neo: Oh no...

He quickly walked over to see if Hooty will be OK. When he got closer, he saw very deep cuts against and near his head.

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