Chapter 44:

555 11 17

A/N: Twists and turns about!


Neo: Oooh ouch, what happened?

He groaned as he slowly woke up from his sudden passing out, slowly gathering his bearings and looking around his new surroundings.

Neo: Luz, where are you?

He asked as he gently stood home his form still fairly sore from his unplanned rest, eying the area. Remembering what last happened, he knew that he and Luz jumped through the portal he made to Earth.

And then nothing.

Neo: Ah ah ah ah, my back!

He gasped in pain as he leaned on a nearby tree, his hand going over his back, feeling a sharp sting there. Whatever made him faint earlier seems to be related to the unknown aching on his back.

Well regardless, he needed to find Luz, and fast.

Neo: Ow ow ow... crap, I'm bleeding...

He said as he noticed the pain growing larger.

Drip drip drip drip~...

As well as the concerning amount of blood coming from his back and now covering his hand.

Neo: Lucky shot.

Be it Lilith or one of those palace goons, he'll get back on them when he gets back to the Isles, though current priorities stand at the moment.

Where is Luz?

Neo: Luz, Luz, Luz!

He shouted with his good hand held up as to better amplify his voice, regardless of the pain he was feeling. As he trenched through the woods, he thought back to the spell he used to send them both here. It's semi random, but they usually are locked in a specific location he himself decides to use.

He fell again slowly losing consciousness.


The blood loss and his already low energy wasn't going to keep him up for long, least until he can get some help.

But before his world went completely black, he barely saw something.

Neo: Huh...?

He barely gasped out as he couldn't make out what he could hear, being only his heartbeat, till he saw it. While hard to see, he could slightly make out the outline of his protege kneeling down, yelling at him as she held his shoulder.

But there was someone else, much older and taller than her.


Neo groaned.

He didn't know when it was, but when he opened his eyes, he was somewhere different than before. Laying on his back on a queen sized bed with his upper clothes removed, his torso was wrapped in tight bandages.

Neo: Huh Luz, is that you?

A pair of cat ears twitched at hearing her name, raising her head from her resting position on a nearby chair. Doing a usual cat stretch, she slowly opened her eyes as fo better see what was in front of her.

Luz: Hm?

She hummed as the sleepiness soon wore off.


Luz: NEO!!!

She shouted as she raced over.

Neo: Oww ow ow, not to hard please.

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