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Is it fair? Is it fair for me? How my simple life turned out to be? Ever since that day my memories surfed back, I couldn't record my feelings, it all got lost on the way.

I quickly healed, I managed to walk on my own and my hands were working fine, I just started to dislike relying on people.

Summer came by but I didn't go back to America. I took the last semester through online and graduated high school but didn't attend the graduation event. Miles called me a tons of time to go back, but I didn't because I was scared to make him feel less loved because I needed time, time for everything.  Drey would text me and ask how I was doing or good morning and good night texts and pictures of what he was up to, that's all. Song and his family went back home after I hardly assured them that I was fine. My family gave more attention to me and made sure everything was fine between us, yes everything was fine, not a tiny love for them changed and Ellevi, our relationship stayed the same, exchanging smiles, hugging and shearing our thoughts and feelings all stayed the same. I made sure my relationship with everyone around was fine because I didn't want to lose living people for a tragic past which was on one's fault, on one's.

I wanted to break free, break free from my curiosity , so I moved away to the house where I belong, to the house where I was born, to the house Vizo always missed.

"Are you sure, you can live in this big house alone? Aren't you scared?" Apau asked as we entered my old house.

"Scared? No way, fear has left my side and anyways I can rent some rooms for people who need it", I replied, wearing a smile on my face and leading myself to the room I once owned.

Nothing changed, nothing moved nor touched. Everything was laid the same as we left it.

"Your brother, Vizo must have loved paintings. Look at the walls, WOW! He was talented" Apau said amazed by the arts.

Warm tears left the corner of my eyes rolling down my cheeks, I nodded, "Yes, he loved paintings, that's what he always did" I smiled.

It felt like I was truely home.

"I can't believe a hunted house could be so beautiful inside", she gave a breathy laugh.

"Hunted?" I asked.

"Yeah, there were rumors that this house is hunted, because it's big and no one lives in it so" she replied.

"Hunted" I laughed, "But I wish it was hunted by my family's spirits"

"Seriously?" she asked, "You shouldn't say that, it's easy for humans to say that but harder for souls. No one will want to be trapped in a house forever, like, you should say goodbye, you can't just hold on to people who are death, they need to be sent away from the living world peacefully"

"I wonder how a tragic death could bring peace to the soul" I said referring to my family.

Apau took a deep breath, "It's upon you, live happy, eat healthy and lead a good life because you survived and yeah, how the person died doesn't matter, where their souls go matters"

"Lemme borrow your knowledge sometimes" I said and both of us chuckled.

I should lead a good life, because I  survived,  I mentally smiled.

We cleaned the dust away from the house, bought in my stuff and there were nothing much to do because the house and all the stuff inside was always there for me, hoping it's owners will come back.

Apau was that one friend everyone wants but only lucky people has it and that  lucky people is me.

We made tea and added as much sugar as we can because we had a motto when it comes to sweetness, We fear no diabetes.

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