Chapter-24 (part 2)

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"Hello Levi no", a boy with his pale skin under the sun, wearing a sky blue bottomed up shirt and a black half pant, said holding a sandwich in his hands.

I just looked at him and smiled.

"We are wearing the same colour dress", he said again, taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Everyone said they love me, my brother, my mother, my father but why don't that man with mustache loves me?", I blankly asked what was on my mind.

"Don't believe in that, all men who has mustache hides their love under that bushes below their  nose, but actually they are very sweet", the boy replied.

"Really?", I asked in amusement.

He nodded, "Dad has it too but he is a sweet person", he smiled.


"Excuse me miss, excuse me miss", a voice echoed from the background.

I slowly opened my eyes to the reality.

It was just a dream.

"We've landed miss", the flight attendant gracefully smiled.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for troubling you," I said

"No problem, miss", she replied.


I forgot how to put things in words, how to put my thoughts and feelings into describing everything.


The world may have evolved during this 6 years, from the first time I set my foot on this beautiful town till that day, but that feeling was the same, the cold air and the snow.

I saw two balloons, two pink balloons, one written 'Happy birthday' and the other written 'welcome home'.

I wonder who have the same birthday as mine.

As my attention laid on the man holding the balloons, he had a pale skin, wore warm cloths, deep eyes like the magnet that could attract a compass needle, his nose was pinkish making him look like he had both the emotions set together in him, SAD and HAPPY.

And than I saw his smile curled up perfectly, unmoved just like he wanted to hold that smile forever.

That man turns out to be the man I love, Miles miller.


He got thinner than the last time I saw him but everytime I saw him after a departure he seems to grow more handsome than him on my mind. How is that so? If that man was someone else rather than Miles than he'd be running towards me, shouting my name, but he was Miles, Miles Miller, the Miles I've always loved, the calm Miles whose voice I could hear though his mouth is sealed, the Miles who had a lot of things in him, a lot of different sides of him yet the world saw only what he showed but I saw what he actually was.

As he was walking towards me as if I'm his only destiny, the balloons dancing above him, his smile molded well, for a moment the whole world stopped except for us and it left like the only humans alive in this world was him and I, just us.

His warm body engulfed me like the sun and the snow together.

"Miles", I called.

And he kissed me without a word.

I smiled as my cheeks started to produce tiny hot particles and burning it.

"Yes? You called me?", he said with a smile as wide as the sky.

"No". I whispered and chuckled.

"Yes, you did", he said and brushed his nose on mine. "Happy birthday my love".

He handed me the balloons and pulled me and my bags away from the busy airport.


I wonder what is in this man. I never thought I'd love someone as long as forever.

Miles constantly looked at me as if I'll disappear at any moment.

"You're driving", I reminded him. "Eyes on the road"

"You are my road, my path . . . .  my," he said and I cut him off.

"Ok, ok alright", I chuckled.

Twisting myself and throwing my arms at the back seat I pulled my bag and took out the present Mr V gifted me.

"What's that?", Miles asked as his hands controlled the wheels like he was ready to take me to every corner of the world.

"A gift from Mr V, he told me to open it on my birthday", I said unboxing the present.

"Cool, open it, hurry", he said and gave a breathy laugh.

My hands excitingly peeled the layers and when I finally reached the destiny there was a beautiful off white and lavender colour Indian Lehenga and at the bottom was a note written : "No matter what the world says, you should know that your true identity is an Indian. Happy 22nd birthday, wonders are waiting for you ahead . ..   Yours loving Mr V."

Tears overflowed my eyes as my heart felt all the painfulness and happiness too. Hot tears followed the rout to my lips, hot salty tears, the common taste I always knew.

"Levi no?", Miles called out in concern and stopped the car a he noticed me crying.

"Are you alright?", he asked putting his hands on my shoulders.

I slowly gave him the gift and smiled. "I'm fine".

As he drove his eyes on the note, his lips started to pull up a smile. "This is so beautiful, we should cry together", and he hugged me.

I laughed but cried at the same time.

How can human have the ability to feel all the emotions at once? the opposite emotions, how can we feel it together at the same time? How is it that things that once hurt us the most can make us laugh?

Humans are mysterious and so is life too. Things we never thought could happen becomes something so common and usual. And the way we react or feel for something or someone changes with time.

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