(Flashback) part-2

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I never saw her again. Levi no, the cute Asian girl at the camp whom I fell in love with more and more as we stared at the stars every night. I never saw her at the camps, she never came. 2 years passed by and on each birthday, I blew the candles and wished to see her again.

"Dad, where are we going?", I set at the back seat of the car alone staring at the window.

"It's a surprise Matt", he replied.

"Are we going to Disney land like every year?", I asked because we had no one to visit during holidays.

My mom had a brother but things weren't smooth between them . He was always jealous because mom was the favorite kid when Grandma and Grandpa were alive. And dad was the only son in his family and we  were left with no one when dad's parents died. We were our own family.

"No, Matthew, we are going somewhere new this year and it's gonna be fun", she smiles so beautifully I didn't question again.

I fell asleep staring at the snow outside. It was so mesmerizing.

The next moment a force woke me up from my peaceful sleep, I was against gravity, my body was in the air, the car was rolling and before I realize the car landed on the ground upside down and the last thing I saw before I black out was blood.

I heard myself calling out for mom as the pain touched me.

Have you ever felt your world falling apart? Have you ever called someone for long but they never came to hug you? I did, I felt more than that. Even my unconscious mind kept calling their names Mom, Dad and Levi no.

In our dark times and in our happy times no matter how many people we know in life, the people we love always comes to our mind first and they did but they never really come in person, they didn't.

There was mom, dad, me and the cute Asian girl, Levi and there was the snow, the ride, the vacation and the surprise but all of that were forgotten as the next chapter began.


I woke up and saw the plain ceiling, I woke up and there was no one by my side, I woke up just to realize that I've forgotten everything that once made me happy. I forgot to remember myself.

There was pain all over my body, making their move to make me feel them. Motionlessly I laid on the hospital bed and started to cry out loud. I couldn't remember what made me happy or sad, I couldn't remember my mom or dad or how they looked like, I couldn't remember my own identity and it all left me with nothing to think or feel, the emptiness of my mind caused the tears flowing on my cheeks.

My head was bandaged and my body felt like a frozen piece of meat.

A beautiful black nurse walked in the room with a tight smile and looked at me. "OH, sweetheart don't cry", than she wiped my tears.

I tried to stop my tears from flowing because I couldn't recall the reason behind my painful tears. I couldn't even remember how I ended up at the hospital.


After a while the doctors came and examined me and realized that I've lost my memories. Isn't it funny that something invincible, something that we've been living for, something in our head could just suddenly disappear.

They looked at me with pitiful eyes, they looked at me like I  was a lost puppy abandoned  by my owners but they had a reason for. I was left alone.

The nurses gave their best to make me smile, some called me sweetheart some called me honey when I wondered what I was actually supposed to be called. I stood near the window and observed the moving world with my confused heart and wounded body, I did that everyday.

Weeks passed by, but no one came for me. NO one. I set on my bed and waited for people I couldn't remember, the only faces I saw everyday was the beautiful nurses who worked hard everyday, the doctors, the other patients and some strangers passing by my room.

My wounds slowly disappeared but my curiosities  didn't.

Who am I?

"How are you kid?", a man asked and I turned towards him.

It was the day I get away from the plain walls of the hospital and I waited for someone to come and take me away. The moment I saw someone who seems to know me, a little part of me was happy.

"Who are you?", I asked as he walked closer to me.

"I was suppose to be your buddy if I wasn't treated differently by my parents. I had a hard time because they were my foster parents". He scoffed.

"You're scaring me", I said pushing myself closer to the wall.

"Don't be scared my boy. I'm glad you don't remember anything, I'm just here to take you to a new home." he smiled.

He took my stuff and took me out, I didn't know his intentions or who he really was , I couldn't even remember myself but I just waved the nurses goodbye with a smile.


He took me to a place I never know, there were a lot of children like me playing at the backyard, the house was big. Snow covered the roof.

"Kid", the man called me. "From today I don't know you and you don't know me. We are not related to each  other in anyway. I don't care about you. Understand?"

I was scared and my heart was tightened, the nine years old me thought of a lot to do but couldn't do any so I just did what he said because everyone didn't really care to know who I really was.

He left me at an orphanage, and there was never a night I didn't cry, the other kids wanted to help me but what could they do? As times passed by everybody stopped caring about who I really was, even myself.

Sometimes I wished I was just dreaming, I wished it was all a bad dream.

Than after a long year, one day a couple came to the orphanage and decided to make me theirs. And it felt as if I felt real happiness for the first time in me.

"What is your name?", the woman asked me with a smile on her face.

"Miles." I replied, staring at her beautiful blonde hair which reminded me of someone I didn't remember.

"You are the cutest boy I've ever seen in my life", she said. "Do you want to be my son?"

The moment I heard the word son, I happily nodded and grinned, "Yes."

That woman was so happy, she hugged me and everyone in the room.

"From today, I am your mom and he is your dad"

Mom, Dad, I missed them so much though I couldn't remember any memories with them but when I met my foster parents, it felt like God sent them from heaven to look after me.

I went away with my new family to a new home and came to Indiana. I knew no one, had no friends but than I met a boy from my new neighborhood . He had the most beautiful blue eyes who loved to play soccer and dreamt to be in the school's soccer team someday.  He was ambitious and friendly, he had everything in him and he became my only good friend. My best friend Drey Davis.

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