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We stood in-front of the house, roof covered by snow and  more snow slowly setting on it.

"Levi", Miles smiled as he combed the tips of my hair with his long fingers.

I allowed my hair to grow the moment I allowed myself to grow, grow away from my painful past.

He pulled out a box from his pocket, a plain white box.

"This is a gift from me", he smiled.

"Oh. Thank you", my voice melted in me.

Before I fully open the box I could hear a sound. TIK TOK TIK TOK.

A watch

"Wow, a watch! This is so beautiful!", I expressed.

Pushing his tall body towards me he said, "Time, it's never in our control, what has happened, happened for a reason and what is yet to come is in our hands, so don't waste your time thinking about what had happened but use your time for thinking about what is yet to come".

"Yet to come", I nodded and hugged him, "I'll remember your words."

"Come on, come on now, let's go in. It's cold", he shook me and pulled me inside.


The house was so silent, it made me believe that no one was home.

Apart of me was sad that there was no one home to welcome me on my birthday but tiny part of me knew what's going on was not what's actually going on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!", they shouted as Mom, Dad , Ellevi came out of their hiding place.

That tiny part of me was right.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you . . . ", they started to sing as mom walked towards me with a cake, Dad's belly had come out a little more than the last time I saw him but he always said that it's a sign of a heathy old man, and Ellevi  wearing a bright yellow sweater and the same bunny slippers I gave him years ago happily walked towards me and hugged me before the cake person reached me.

The Chruch Pastor also came by to pray for me and it was  really sweet of him.

I set on the coach beside Ellevi eating a piece of cake which I divided for everyone.

I was happy to come back home, where the snow was dancing outside , Mom was at the kitchen and Miles was helping her out getting teased by her, Dad and the Pastor was talking about the youngsters at chruch who were shining in God's roots, Ellevi was beside me, enjoying the cake and telling me stories of new people he met and how wonderful the world is. I was happy, happy because I was finally able to keep my butt on the couch where me and my family used to sit together and watch movies together.

But slowly I came to realize the absences of someone, someone who was Drey Davis, my dear bestfriend.

"Where is Drey?", I asked Ellevi, which made him suddenly drop his smile and the spoon. "Why isn't he here?"

"Levi, there is something you need to know", he looked at me, "About Drey"

"What?", I asked in confusion.

What happened to Drey? What, what is it?

"H-he is sick", he said hesitantly .

"Sick? You mean fever? or something . . .", I stopped when I saw there was something more than fever.

"Ca-Cancer", he finally spoke out.

My heart dropped on the ground and it felt like the major organs found a way out and escaped from my body.

"Cancer? S-Since when?", I asked when I tried to believe but not believe in it.

"I don't know", his hand slide forward to hold mine, "But. . .  when they found out . . .  It was too late . . . and"

I forcefully stood up before  he could complete his sentence, "Where is he? I wanna talk to him".

I felt something burning in me, anger.

Why me again? Why am I not the first one or one of the first one to know that my bestfriend is dying? Why didn't they tell me? Why?  . All of these questions rushing in my mind and I was confused.

"Where is he!!", I shouted when he didn't answer me.

"What happen Levi?", Mom  rushed out of the kitchen followed by Miles when my voice was heard by the whole house.

"Levi . . ", Ellevi stood up trying to calm me down.

I stormed out of the house, my chest filled with pain and anger. By the time I was outside I felt hot tears on my cheeks. I was angry, mad angry.

"Levi, Levi", Miles followed me out, his voice shaky.

He knew it too than why didn't he tell me? why didn't anyone tell me.

I ran towards Drey's house, it felt like nostalgia, the snow and the place, it reminded me of the day I met Drey outside his house and he told me to explore his house, It reminded me of his blue eyes and his handsome molded face.

Banging his front door, my tears have reached my neck and the edge of my high-neck were wet, but I didn't care, I was too angry to care about anything else rather than Drey.

The door slowly swung opened and there was a beautiful woman with a sad smile on her face, Drey's Mom.

"Oh! Levi no, you're here. . .  what happen", her face turned into slightly  concern but she knew why I came banging the door with tears washing my face.

"Where is Drey?", I asked wiping my tears off.

"His room", she stepped back to let me in.

I ran to his room and felt Miles follow me in, finding it difficult to breathe he called me in every second he got to breathe.

But that day I chose Drey and I felt rude that only when he was living his last days I was running to him and nothing was in my control, it was not my fault but I blamed myself.

With all the strength  I've left, I banged his door. I could feel my lips shaking, my teeth unintentionally bitting my tougue , my hands rolled up in a fist.

The door slowly opened and the first thing I saw was a pair of skinny legs but a little blurry, wiping my tears and holding myself up, I looked up at him and saw his surprised face. His skin turned a little yellow and his weight loss was clearly seen. My heart squeezed because the Drey I saw the last time was much healthier and happier but now the glow in his ocean blue eyes was gone just like the moon and the sun both refused to shine above the ocean.

"Levi?", his voice barely a whisper. 

My anger was still in there on my chest. I walked forward and pulled his collar which made him bent a little, "Why didn't you tell me that you were in pain all this time?", my voice didn't sounded like mine.

"Levi", he smiled a little and hugged me. "You are finally here?"

All of a sudden my anger turned into deep sadness.

Why? why do all the tragic things had to be in my story? I thought my family's death was a lot but why do Drey have to be the next one to leave? why? why not Mr Rajveer or any other foolish racist? Why my very own loved ones?

I couldn't, I couldn't so I pushed him and his grip easily broke away because he was sick, because his body was giving up though he didn't want to.

I ran away. again. My tears overflowing and wiping it seems so useless. I ran away again. Because I needed space and to calm myself down. again. Because being strong was hard and I had been strong enough.

"Levi!", Miles voice echoed behind me.

*                     *                                        *                              *                   *

A/N : I hope you liked this chapter and I hope Levi gets stronger.

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