Chapter- 23

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Clink! A message from Ellevi popped up on my phone screen as I settled on my seat on the flight to Korea with Miles.

It said : Thank you for your forgiveness to everyone, you are forgiven.

My lips cracked a smile.

"What did you do wrong that you are forgiven?", Miles asked as he read the text with me.

"I am like any other, I've hurt people in some way, I've lied and I've sinned unintentionally, I need forgiveness too", I replied.

He remained silent.

"Anyways are you excited for Korea?", I asked resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah!", he replied.


When we landed on the land of Korea and it was already snowing heavy, our lungs breathing the same air and it all reminded me of my past but instead of being sad I felt gladness in my heart and smile growing on my face for I made it, I got through it.

My skin was suppose to be feeling the cold but his arms around my shoulders kept me warm. I was happy and it felt like my life was getting better for real and I was excited for what ever was to come.

The car stopped in front of the house I lived the last time I came to Korea. The Jeong family's house. And there was that moody boy who turned into a man, my cousin, my dear friend, Jeong Song standing in a distance with a grin on his face.

"Song!", I happily ran towards him and gave him a tight hug, "I'm so . . . .  happy that I got to finally meet you again", I said.

Returning a tight hug he replied, "I am happier Solo Levi".

"Ahmmm!", Miles cleared his throat to grab our attention.

"Oh! Song . . . this is Miles my boyfriend", I introduced, "And Miles, this is Song my cousin and friend."

"Hi, nice to finally meet you in person, I've heard a lot about you", Song said as they hug each other.

"It's great to meet you too", Miles smiled, "Levi's Korean teacher", he chuckled.

The happiness hit me different when I saw them together, I never thought they would be so comfortable with each other at their first meet and so it pulled me to wishing Drey was in that picture.

Jeong Jiyoo was in the military and his parents were busy so they weren't home. Song was living alone because of his university. It was amazing how things had changed a lot in every place I have been.

The next morning as I woke up, the bed made on the floor beside mine where Miles was suppose to be was empty.

Than suddenly someone called, "Levi, you awake?"

"Yeah", I  replied as Miles opened the door.

 He walked in and set beside me, "How can you manage to look pretty even right after you woke up?", he asked as I rest my chin on his shoulder.

I chuckled, "I don't know, maybe naturally born with it", I chuckled again.

His dreamy gaze started to study me.

How can a guy be so beautiful, with those long eye lashes and perfect features? Sometimes his looks tickles my tender heart.

Oh! Handsome Miles Miller.

I once knew a boy named Matthew who looked a lot like Miles, he became blurry from my memories after all the years but I clearly remembered how much I liked him, he was my first love before I lost my memories. And he remained mystery left at the corner of my mind.

"Lets go there  today, the reason why you came here", Song said eating his breakfast setting right opposite to  me.

I looked at Miles who was sitting beside me, and he nodded with a spoon between his lips.

"Alright", I replied and silently continued to eat.

This is the last thing to do before moving on. You can do it Levi, You can do it.

"Song, you're making me fall in love with Korean food", Miles said with a genuine smile on his face.

"That was bound to happen, no human can leave Korea without falling in love with the food", I added, "Let's give a round of applause for Jeong Song!!", I shouted again.

Both of us started to clap our hands with grins on our faces as Song's laughter filled the room.

I realized that falling in love was not the only thing that gives you butterflies, Smiles, laughter, and a little happy moments has the ability to give it too.

Happy hearts, happy hearts, I've always had it and it's what I always need it for yesterday, today and forever.

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A/N : I am sorry for the imbalanced timings of updates. But here I am again, some people might have thought I'm death but I am not, I am healthy not so wealthy but happy. I hope you enjoy this part... Please Vote, comment and continues supporting me.

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