Second change~chapter-6

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Are you ready for the second change?

Sit still and feel the breeze.


It was snowing outside, the beauty was starting to glow and my heart had those mixed jolly feelings.

I laid on the floor, wearing a warm pajamas with a a warm hoodie, staring at the ceiling wondering about just random things every teenager gets lost in.

CLINK^^    I got a message from Miles.

What are you doing?

                                             On the floor like a trash.

Ha, Ha, Ha

                                            What about you?

Thinking about you.

Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub..............

My heart, my heart, is this loud sound.......... my heart?

Check the snow outside your window.


I stood up and peeked outside my window.

There he was, claiming himself to be the snow. Miles.

He stood there waving at me with his phone in his hand. The smile, the face, it felt like the first time I saw him, yes, indeed he looked like the snow, white glowing snowball , which I would love to keep it save in my heart. The evening was so cold but that moment my body started to burn, just right after I saw him.

Yes, I was blushing, yes, my whole body was blushing. Than I unconsciously  pulled myself away from the window and laid on my bed.

I can feel my heart beat in every part of my body, I think I am not feeling well or.......... maybe Ruth was right 'love is in the air'?

(Knock, knock) Someone knocked my door. I didn't response to it because I was busy trying to figure out the tangled feelings on me.

(knock knock)

"Its Miles", he shouted.

I gasped out loud.

Am I dreaming?

"Co.....come in", I shouted back, unsure of the voice I heard.

As the door knob started to move, I stared at the door, to find out and to prove myself that I wasn't seeing Miles everywhere because I had a crush on him.

The door slightly opened and he peeked in.

Yes, I am not seeing him everywhere, he is here.

"Why did you cut me out?", he asked, as he closed the door.

"Huh? cut you out?", I asked.

"Yeah............", he paused. "Are you sick?", he walked towards me, closer and closer and closer, his pale hands slowly reached out my forehead.

"You are burning", he said in a worried face.

He had ice cold hands that every summer needs, summer like me.

"No, no, I am fine ..don't worry", I said pulling his hand down to decrease my heart beat.

"Seriously?", he said.

"Yeah, yeah, its just my body temperature."

Is it?

"Oh", he said sitting beside me.

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