Chapter 23: Curry and Cuddles

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—art isn't mine :)—

After walking for a good 20 minutes we made it to Army's place. We all walked in and sat down in the living room and began to talk.

"This is basically a small party where's the music?" Aloha smiled.

"Please nooooo, I just want to play video gamesssss." Mask slurred.

Skull looked very intensely at his phone and put it down. When I looked at Ray I saw how he kept dozing off and would violently wake up just to fall back asleep and the cycle repeats. Sancus and Cara were talking to Goggles team. I was with Hachi and he laid in my lap while I rubbed his head. He had his eyes closed and had a relaxed smile resting on his face. I look to see Ray trying to keep a conversation with Rider.

"Ray, go to the spare room. Now." Army spoke coming back from the kitchen.

"Army I'm okay! Just a-"
"Bedroom. Now." Army said in a stern tone.

"That's kinky." Aloha smiled.

"The room is at the end of the hall." Army said ignoring Aloha's comment.

Ray sighed and stood up a bit yet as he began to walk he fell on both Rider and Skull.

"S-Sorry... I'll make it up to you two..." Ray spoke with a tired look.

"It was an accident, no need. Just be careful next time." Rider sighed.

"I'll help you to the room. Take my hand." Skull said helping Ray up.

"Y-You don't have to, I was just weak in the knees for a second." Ray gave a nervous chuckle. Skull glared at him and basically dragged him to the back room.

"Keep your voice down! And clean up after!" Aloha jokes. A second went by and Army threw a spoon at him to get him to shut up. "Owww, What?! I'm helping you out!" Aloha spoke rubbing his head.

"So... who's-" Rider was cut off by the backroom door being slammed. Skull came out and sat back down. He looked a bit irked.

"You look annoyed Skull, what happened?" Goggles spoke.

"Ray needs to learn that he has friends that truly care for him." Skull spoke.

"What did he say?" Sancus asked.

"Simply put he said that he hates that he's the way he is. He hates how he puts stress on you guys." Skull spoke and stood up. Hachi sat up and looked down with a frown. I rubbed the side of his face and gave him a reassured look.

~~Time Skip~~

"Food's done! Someone get Ray. I know that he's hungry." Army said setting out the plates of food.

I got up and told them that I would get Ray. I walked over to the room and knocked on the door. No response. I put my ear up against the door and heard grunting and cries? I knocked once more but no response. I finally walked in and saw Ray throwing off his gear and deep scratch marks on his arms, as if he was scratched by something. He was losing it. He turned to me and froze.


"What is going on?! What happened, what did you do?!" I said in shock.

"I need it back, I need my old gear back.. Please!" he begged.

I was about to say something until Hachi and Sancus came to check up on us. Sancus' smile instantly went to a frown.

"This isn't me! How could I be so stupid?! None of you will ever need to think about me anymore!" Ray said, grabbing his armor and putting it on. He walked out of the room with a limp and passed the entire group. We quickly followed.

"Ray, where ya going? Curry's ready." Goggles spoke.

"I'm not hungry.." Ray strained.

"Stop him!" Hachi spoke.

Everyone stood there confused as I went up to him and grabbed his arm.

"You are hungry. You are eating the lovely food Army prepared." I said sternly.

Something snapped. The same aura he had when it came to the match with Jean.

"Please let me go, I am not asking again." Ray said in a sinister voice. My confidence broke hearing his deep voice. I let go of him and Hachi came by my side and hugged me.

"Rayyyyyy what's yourrrrr problemmmmmm?" Mask slurred once more.

"Nothing, I simply didn't want to be touched." Ray said blankly. This made everyone shoot each other gazes that held questions. Ray walked over to the table and began to eat. Hachi dragged me to the table and we sat across Ray, Skull, Rider, Specs and Headphones . On my side of the table Goggles, Bobble hat, Hachi and Sancus. On one end of the table was Aloha and on the other side was Army. Mask said he could eat later due to his hayfever. Cara just wanted to beat Mask on a game. We ate with basic conversation.

"I have a great idea! But army can we stay over for the night?" Aloha asked.

"I don't see why not." He nodded his head as he ate the curry.

"Perfect! Everyone finish up and then I'm going to pair you guys up for the night!" Aloha smiled. We all simply nod and finish our dinner.

~~Time skip~~

"ALRIGHT! Time to pair up!" Aloha smiled and looked around the room. Goggles quickly got up and whispered something to him, and his smile grew bigger.

"Aloha please hurry I have to do some more research." Army bothered.

"Okay, okay. So it will go like this...

Mask and Cara,

Headphones and Specs,

Bobble and Sancus,

Goggles and Rider,

Skull and Ray,

Y/n and Hachi and,

Aloha, aka me, and Army." Aloha smiled. I nodded glad that I was with Hachi, as for the others I can't say.

"What exactly is this pairing for?" Ray asked with a barely visible hue of teal dust his face.

"This is your partner when we as a group are together for parties, sleepovers, over all this is your partner for events!" Aloha smiled.

"What if I want a new partner?" Army spoke. A few snickers could be heard and Aloha gave a glare.

"Well, you have to suck it up and get used to your partner." Aloha said with his signature smirk. Army sighed and continued to Aloha.

"Tonight we are going to watch a horror movie! So if you get scared you know what to do with your partner." Aloha smiled and set up the movie. A few sighs were heard from the room. The movie was called, The Possession of Hannah Grace. I had mixed feelings about horror movies yet, nonetheless I sat down in Hachi's lap.

A good 30 minutes gone by and Hachi latched on to me burying his head into the crook of my neck. He pulled the blanket we shared over his head and peeked out to see the possessed inkling. I simply cuddled with him to ease him and make him feel secure. I look over to see most of the groups cuddling. Even Mask was comforting Cara. Cara isn't normally scared of horror movies, so I've heard. So seeing her cuddle next to Mask was a bit adorable. I see Army trying his best not to scream. Goggles and rider were just flat out cuddling. Specs was just latched on to Headphones. Bobble hat and Sancus were hugging each other with nervous smiles. And Ray was sharing sweet treats with Skull both were very into the movie.

'I wonder if Skull is Ray's crush...'

For the rest of the movie we were simply eating and cuddling.

"This is fun." Hachi smiled.

"Why? You were scared most of the time." I asked the Octo.

"Because I was with you and my friends." Hachi smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and simply chuckled.

"What?" Hachi asked.

"Tonight was a great night for Curry and Cuddles." I replied hugging him.

~Sorry for the long wait but here is another chapter! :D~

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