Chapter Three: We meet again

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F/a= Favorite accessory
    Art isn't mine, credit to its rightful owner :)

After a very filling lunch I decided to walk around the maps to study the layouts and see if there are any ways to get around the map faster. As I was walking I saw a familiar group at the mall.
'Should I approach them? Will they even talk to me?'

Thoughts ran through my head as I was slowly walking past them.
"Y/N! Remember us?!" A familiar voice called. I turned around to see the same lab coat and a pair of Navy Enperrials. "Y/n! I'm so happy to see you! Did you make your choice on joining?" Sancus asked.

Ray and Cara walked up to us and Ray gave a sigh. Cara gave a huge smile as she saw Y/n. Cara ran up to the two and began to show how happy she was to see her.

"Guys, don't smother her, give her some room to breathe. And if Y/n wants to join I'm sure that she would have called us or texted us." Ray chuckled as he put his hands on both Inklings shoulders.

"Yeah, it's just hard for me to trust people I guess." I said playing with my T/c tentacles.

Ray looked at the floor and began to mess with his jacket's zippers. It was like he was trying to hold something back. His purple eyes darting back and forth as if he was looking for a way to escape. I gave a puzzled look to him and he put his hand up to his mouth but his mask was coving it. I have no clue what he was doing. Until I heard a very concerned Sancus and Cara.

"R-Ray, It's okay! Now bring your hand down. You know why you wear that Mask, it's to help you." Sancus said gently, taking Ray's hand. He pulled his hand away and looked at all of us.

"I-I can't! I don't want to!" Ray panicked. He backed away and looked around like he did before and took a few deep breaths.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act in such a way I-It's just..." He looked away as if he was ashamed of himself.

"It's okay Ray we know why you wear that mask." Sancus said as Cara rubbed his hand.

"Y/n I'm sorry you had to see that, it was very improper of myself. I hope you won't see me any different." Ray apologized, hiding his hands.

I had grown curious about why he wanted to hide his hands so suddenly. I wanted to ask him but felt like it wasnt the time. Sancus looked at me and gave a nervous smile.

"Sorry, um, call us later or text us. We need to go and take care of Ray right now. But if you need us we will be here okay?" Sancus said before leaving with Ray and Cara.

'Strange, I wonder what happened.'

As I was lost in my thoughts I walked into one of the many stores in the mall. This store in particular sold accessories. I was in one of the isles that had earrings and rings. While I was browsing I saw a f/a. I grabbed it and saw how it matched and looked cute. Until I looked at the price.

"Yikes, I don't know about that... 15, 500 coins? I don't think so." I said putting down the f/a. I turned around a bit too fast and bumped into the person next to me.

"Oh for the love of Woomy. I'm sorry Ive been just a clutz today." I apologized to the person I bumped into.

"Oh it's okay Y/n, what were you looking at?" The voice asked.

I looked up and saw the same red orbs from a few hours earlier. I noticed that he had a smile across his face as he spoke to me.

"Oh, um hi Hachi. I was looking a thoes f/a." I said pointing at the f/c f/a. He looked at where I was pointing and picked up the f/a. He looked at them and his smile began to grow.

"Can you put the f/a on? I want to see it on you." He smiled and handed me the f/a.

"Uh, why? Sorry i just realized how rude that sounded. But why do you want to see them?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I just want to see how they look on you." He said, still smiling.

I shrugged it off and put on the f/a. I looked at him and his eyes looked like the size of dinner plates. I gave him the same look and began to think it looked bad on me.

"Is it that bad? Let me take it off." I was in the middle of taking off the f/a when Hachi stopped me.

"No! It looks inktastic on you, I mean inkcredible. Ah, I mean.." Hatchi began to fumble over his words and looked away out of embarrassment. I chuckled at his sudden shyness and put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"It's okay Hachi, I'm happy to get another person's point of view on how the f/a looks on me." I said, giving him a sincere smile. "Oh! That's right!" I said, grabbing my phone. " I wanted to get your number so we can make a day where we can go on salmon run or turf wars." I said handing him my phone. I saw his ears perk up as I gave him my phone. He put in his number and even named himself.

'I'll check his name out later.'

Once he finished he gave me back my phone and smiled. His face was too cute. It would be nearly impossible to smile back.

"Are you going to buy the f/a?" Hachi asked.

"Oh no, it's too much. Maybe though, when I get the cash." I said putting them back.

"Oh just get them before they switch out the merchandise." He warned.

"I'll keep that in mind. It is really pretty. I'll maybe buy them tomorrow." I said to him. "Well I'll be on my way, you have my number so text me." I smiled as I walked away.

"Bye Y/n!" Hachi shouted before I left.

'He's cute, I hope to see more of him.'

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