Chapter 20: Results

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~~Art isn't mine :)~~

"How do you think he's holding out?" Hachi asked, trying to make small talk.

"He's a warrior. I am sure that he is fighting." Cara replied. Sancus was quiet, he didn't say anything. I looked into his icy blue eyes and they said that he was broken. I stood up and walked over to Sancus.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a snack for Hachi and me, I want you to come with me," I said with a small, sad smile. He looked up to me and nodded. We walked down the hall and I stopped in front of the vending machine.

"He's going to be fine, Sancus. Yet, I have a question that you may know about Jean and the other two. How does he know them?" I asked, grabbing the snacks I paid for. Sancus looked at the floor and sighed.

"You'll learn how, but not by me." Sancus said and walked back to Hachi and Cara. I followed him and sat down next to Hachi. We waited, and waited.

About three hours passed and the door opened to Ray's room and the doctor and nurses came out.

"Ray is alive because of you guys. If he was brought here any later he would have died from blood loss." The doctor stated. "He was close to dying but due to you guys rushing him over and his quick thinking of slowing down his breath and minimal movement he managed to scrape death. You can visit him but, he may look a bit out of it and he's hooked up to multiple machines so please be careful." With that the doctor was called to another room and tended to another patient. We all rushed in and saw a horrible scene that no one should ever see. Ray's chest was slowly going up and down. Sancus turned around and began to cry as Cara slowly walked over to him.

"He's asleep. He looks like he needs rest." Cara said looking at his slowly breathing body.

"I wish I could have done something! I just stood there! I'm such an awful friend! I could have stopped him!" Sancus cried. Hachi ran over and tried to comfort him in his distressed state. I heard the heart rate monitor start to beep frequently and at a faster pace. I look and see Cara trying to calm down Ray.

"Ray you need to calm down!" Cara cried trying to pin him down.

"No! S-Sancus! What's wrong? Please come here! Evelynn!" He cried.

His heart rate increased as the name 'Evevlynn' left his mouth. I ran over to Ray and pinned him down myself.

"Calm down! You are going to die if you keep this up you are going to die!" I raised my voice at him.

"I don't care! Is Eve- Sancus Okay?! Is he injured?!" He struggled.

Sancus looked up and ran over to him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm okay! Just relax, or you're going to die. Please just relax." Sancus spoke in a shaky but calm tone.

Ray nodded and looked over at me. Hachi walked over next to me and held my hand. I looked over at Ray and he looked relieved.

"You remind me so much of Evelynn. Hachi, Don't hurt her. Please.." Ray spoke before passing out.

"Who's Evelynn? Sancus could you please tell me that? At least, was that his girlfriend?" I asked.

"S-She was um, Ray's little sister. She was Ray's motivation for getting here. He has actually been here for a while now. He promised his sister that he would get them to the and I quote "promised land". Yet, something... happened, Um. Well.. Ray should tell you.." Sancus stopped and looked at Ray's sleeping form. I got a good look at Ray and I stood in shock. His face was cleaned up but his scar, or new scar, almost reached his right eye. I continued to look at his features on his face, due to his body being covered, and saw that he looked at peace. I gave a small smile.

"He looks so peaceful, the most at peace I've seen him in." I spoke.

The three nodded in agreement and we all looked at Ray seeing that he saved our lives. If he didn't jump in front of Hachi and myself, that could have been either of us, or possibly both.

"We should let Ray sleep, he's been up late and getting very little of it. He needs this sleep" Sancus suggested.

We all agreed and began to walk out. I was the last one out and looked back at Ray.

"Ray, you are something else. I owe you possibly my life."

With that I turned off the lights and closed the door.

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