Chapter 21: The Story

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~~Art isn't mine~~

~~Warning mention of self-harm and suicide~~

We went back to the hospital and entered Ray's room. The doctor was looking at Ray's vitals.

"Looks like you are pretty sturdy. If you keep this up you'll be out of here in no time." The doctor chirped.

Ray smiled and nodded at him. The doctor did the same and walked past us.

"Ray! You're conscious!" Cara ran up to him with a toothy grin.

"Seems like I am Cara, how have you been?" He chuckled and hugged her to the best of his abilities.

She gave a thumbs up as a reply and the next thing we saw was Sancus basically sufficaing Ray in a bear hug.

"Ray! I'm so glad you're okay! I don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it!" He spoke into Ray's chest.

"Oh Sancus you still need to learn that I may not always be there." Ray smiled and patted his head. Sancus looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"D-Don't say that! My heart can only take so much!" He spoke and clutched his heart.

Laughter erupted from all of us and stopped with Ray's sad sigh. We all looked at him and gave a puzzled look.

"Um, Sancus, Cara, can I talk to Y/n and Hachi. Alone..." He said looking down in his lap.

Both Cara and Sancus nodded and left the room without opposing.

'Weird it's like they know what he's gonna tell us.'

"Okay, let me tell you this now that you two know what's going on. First thing being about Jean and his team. They used to be my old teammates and the girl named Evelynn was my little sister." Ray began.

Hachi slowly raised his hand as if he was in school. This action caused both Ray and I to smile.

"Yes Hachi, what is your question?" Ray smiled.

"What did you use past tense? You said "was", did she do something to make you split up?"

Ray tensed up a bit and exhaled. He looked at his hands and balled them into fists.

"My sister did nothing wrong. It was I who wronged her. I couldn't save her in time. And it was all Jean's fault. Evelynn and I finally made it here to Inkopolis and met the three of them and they said they would help us. So when we went with them, it was good. They showed us the basics of Inkopolis and inkling culture. But when they wanted us to do a 3 v 2 both Evelynn and I were skeptical but went with them so we wouldn't be the outcasts. The map was Camp TriggerFish, about a minute in the match an announcement was made that the respawn pads were broken and told us to leave the match, but Jean and the other two didn't listen. I ran over to my sister and was prepared to be splatted permanently. Yet, Vera and Scarlett took Evelynn out of my grasp and Jean kicked me to the wall. He put his foot on my chest and gave me the most sinister smirk Ive ever seen. Both girls took my sister to the edge of the map and threw her off. I ran over to her and saw her cry as she fell. Once she hit the water it was over. Remember I wouldn't have been this panicked if we were one in a match with working respawn pads, or two if she fell in water outside of a match since water doesn't hurt us then. Yet as she fell she screamed, "help me big brother." After her death I felt worthless and weak. I was too scared to leave the team until they started to cut me." Ray explained.

"Wait, when did you get that scar? Was it one of your first ones?" I asked.

"That was the same day Evelynn fell. What Jean did, what you saw the other day, what he did to me that fateful day. I wasn't always scarred up." Ray spoke as he held his head.

"Ray, I didn't know that you went through so much.. I thought that you cut yourself..." I spoke looking at him. Hachi looked at Ray's hands and soon nodded in agreement with me.

"I did y/n, yet I knew that my sister wouldn't have liked me doing such a thing. I decided to try a different way to distract myself from a blade and that led to biting. My hand has had all sorts of bite scars now yet it has helped me much more than a knife has." Ray spoke looking at his hands.

"Ray before you continue on, can I hug you? I really think you need the comfort just as much as I do." Hachi asked. Ray nodded and Hachi latched on to him with small cries being barely audible.

"I did try taking my own life a few times in the past because of my depressed state but I knew my sister would want me to live on and meet true friends." Ray continued as he rubbed the crying octoling's back.

"I'm sorry Ray, I didn't-" I spoke.

"Y/n there is no need to apologize to me. You didn't know because I didn't tell you. But now you know the basics about my backstory." Ray cut me off. Hachi got up and tackled me into a bear hug.

"Ray we will be there for you always." I spoke hugging Hachi back. He nodded and looked at the time.

"Looks like you guys need to get home, hopefully I can go home tomorrow and practice a bit with my weapon." Ray spoke before letting out a loud yawn.

"My apologies, I am quite tired." With that Ray laid down and fell asleep. We turned off the lights and closed the door letting Sancus and Cara know that he's fine and he fell asleep. We all agreed to meet back here and take Ray home tomorrow.

~~Woah what a chapter, what did you guys think? comment what your thoughts were I love to read them! ~~

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