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*Art isn't Mine*

I stared at the f/a and smiled.

"Y/n, you ready? Today is the big day, don't tell me you are getting cold feet now." Ray asked with a chuckle as he closed the door behind him.

"Ray, I'm not getting cold feet, I just feel like if it weren't for a salty team I would have never met any of you guys and I'd just simply be alone like before." I said looking out the window that brought in the golden glow from the sun.

"Still thinking about the past I see." Ray chuckled.

"Hey you are one to talk Mr." I chuckled back.

"Look, you are going to enjoy this day and night with no worries, I'll be here as security, not to mention you gave me the honor of baking and cooking the food." Ray said as he walked up to me and fixed my veil.

"Ray, I can't believe that he-"

"It was bound to happen Y/n. Now! The ceremony will happen in a few minutes but I wanted to ask one last time if this is what you wanted me to do. Do you really want me to walk you down the aisle?" Ray asked with a concerned look.

"I wouldn't want anything more than my closest friend to hand me off to the man I love." I chuckled. Ray smiled and leaned against the doorframe.

"Then I'll meet you in 5, since the wedding starts in 10. And Y/n, you look outstanding." Ray smiled and closed the door.

"8 years, 8 years since i've been with him. He proposed to me once before but I told him I wasn't ready and that we were too young. What he told me will always remain with me."


"H-Hachi we are still too young to get married!" I spoke in a flustered tone as I saw the octo of my dreams propose to me.

"Well, If you aren't ready, then I'll just wait until you are. This ring will belong to you and I am willing to wait." He said looking into my e/c orbs.

"If that's the case then let's see if you are truly willing to wait." I playfully challenged.

"I am a patient Octo, and if it is for my beloved I'll wait until the end of time." he smiled.

~End of flashback~

Ray is waiting and so is my fiancee I should hurry. I walked out the door and met Ray talking to Skull.

"Y/n is out! Go sit down!" He said turning the Inkling around and pushed him to the main room.

"Ray, I can clearly see that. I will hold a seat for you in the front." He spoke and patted Rays head before leaving.

"When are you two going to tie the knot?" I smiled.

"What? This isn't about me! This is about you! We have a few minutes left. Is there anything you wanna say as of now?" Ray said.

"Just that I can't believe that you guys are as close as you are to me. I normally don't like getting close to people. Yet that has definitely changed over the years." I said looking at Ray. He smiled and held out his arm for me to hold.

"I'm glad you are my best friend and I get to see you grow. And if you have any concerns, questions, or if you need anything I am here for you." Ray said, looking down at me and fixed my veil. I simply smiled back and hugged him before going back to my straight posture. The doors open and I see my Family and Hachis with all our friends and teammates. We walked down the aisle and one Ray and I were at the front of the altar. Ray gave me to Hachi with a smile, knowing that you were going to be happy, and sat down with Skull.

"Without further ado, I now pronounce you as Husband and Wife you may kiss the bride." The man said, closing the book.

Hachi looked at me through the veil and I saw that he was shaking a bit. He lifted the veil and locked eyes with me. A huge smile appeared and he held my hands as he kissed me. Cheers were heard and tears were shedded. The kiss was broken and Hachi picked me up and ran down the hallway and yelled, "Let's get this party started!!" I smiled as he ran all the way to the party hall we rented. We danced, ate and talked the night away. Laughter was heard and that was all I could ask for. Well, other than the man I married.

"Come here now, the night Is still young!" Aloha smiled and began to dance with Army who was just fumbling behind. Sancus and Bobble were dancing too. Cara and mask were playing on their switches together. And Ray was talking to Skull at the farthest table but I could make out that Skull didn't have his mask on and neither did Ray. I smiled at all of this.

"Best night ever." I smiled.

"My beautiful wife, may I have this dance?" Hachi asked with a bow. I smiled and nodded yes. We swayed to the music and at the end of the song he dipped me down and kissed me. When the kiss broke more cheers and "oohs and ahhs".

"Best night ever." 

The End~

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