Chapter 30: Good Ending

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The next morning I was woken up by Ray and breakfast.

"Here, breakfast in bed. If you want to go with me. I'm going to go see if Hachi's amnesia has gotten better or not so I'm not sure if you wanted to come or not." He spoke as I dug into my kelpcakes.

"I guess I can go check on him. I still care for him." I confessed. Ray nodded and began to walk out but stopped at the door frame.

"Do you want to get anything from your apartment?" He asked.

I thought about it for a second and shook my head yes.

"Can we get my F/a? I want to wear it when I see him."

"Of course!" Ray nodded once more and headed out. I sat there picking at the food in front of me with tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out in tears. I heard footsteps running towards the room and saw Ray fumble in the room with his shirt halfway on.

"What's wrong?! What happened?! What do you need?!" He asked, forgetting that he fell.

"I just miss him so much Ray and for him to just forget about me... about us?! I just hate this! He was my everything! The light of my life! The reason why I am now open with my feelings! And for me to lose him so quickly just hurts." I vented. Ray looked at me and just listens to me vent.

"Thank you for letting me vent, Ray. I just.."

"No need to explain yourself Y/n. Let's just get ready okay? I have some of my sister's clothing. You can choose from her wardrobe or just wear what you wore." He offered. I nodded as he left once more. I decided to just stay in my clothes and walked out to see Ray without his mask and ready to leave.

"Your mask-"

"I don't need it. Now you ready to go?"

"Yeah let me just put the dishes away."

I did that and we headed to my apartment first and I quickly grabbed the f/a and put it on. After that quick stop we headed to the hospital. Ray and I were the first ones to see Hachi. He looked much better than before. He looked over at us with his big and beautiful eyes. I began to tear up again knowing that they don't remember me.

"Hi you guys! I'm feeling much better!" He smiled.

"That's good to hear buddy!" Ray smiled, and headed to him signaling for me to follow.

"Yeah! You look well rested!" I forced out a smile.

~~After a few hours~~

We talked for hours and saw that Hachi's smile was still there and it it gave me a sense of safety.

"Um Ray can you please leave for a few minutes? I need to talk to Y/n..." Hachi asked. Ray nodded and left the room.

"Y/n you are so much fun to talk to and I like being around you! Do you think that you and I can be like... friends? Maybe even Best friends in the future!" He asked bashfully. "I know you and I have only met for a few days and this is sudden but I love your company " he confessed. I put my hand on his and smiled.

"I would love to be best friends with you Hachi." I smiled with tears welling.

He smiled and hugged me. Tears began to fall as I held him close and didn't want to let go.

"Y/n!!! You're going to kill me!" He chucked. I pulled away and smiled at him.

He looked at me for a little while before his smile turned to a curious gaze. I returned the same gaze and wonder what he was thinking.

"Um.. quick question y/n... did I give that to you? It seems very familiar."

My eyes widened and I looked at him with a big smile.

"Yes! You did give this to me Hachi!" I spoke looking at him.

"Did we um... by any chance... kiss?"

I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Yes!! We kissed and cuddled and did all sorts of stuff that couples do!" I spoke a bit quickly.

"Y/n... I think I remember that you and I were, Dating. Right?" He stood there in a thinking pose for about a minute or two before he looked up at me in awe.

"Oh my great Zapfish... y/n! My girlfriend! My sweet girlfriend!" He yelled as he dragged me into the bed with him.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n!!! Oh my Zapfish! My love, I missed you! I knew I was missing something! And that was you!!" He spoke as he gave me many kisses on the face.

"Y/n... I'm sorry that I forgot about you. US! But you didn't give up. And for that y/f/a you always have on just makes me feel better knowing that you'll help me even if I forget about you." He said as he looked into my eyes. I just threw my arms around him and let all my built up tears out.

"HACHI I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I FELT LIKE I HAD LOST YOU FOREVER!" I cried onto him. I backed up and saw tears in his eyes.

"Let me seal our fate."

He led out his pinky for a pinky promise. I intertwined my pinky around his and smiled.

"I, y/n promise that I'll only have my heart for Hachi." He finished.

"I, y/n promise that I'll only have my heart for Hachi." I repeated. He brought our pinkies to our faces and he kissed them while they were locked. I blush and stare into his eyes. He then brought me close to him and kissed me on my lips.

'I'm so glad to feel his lips on mine again.'

We pulled away and stared again

"I love you y/n. Don't forget that."

"I love you too Hachi, and I could never"



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