Chapter 12: Unknown Problems

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~Art isn't mine :)~

I open my eyes and feel very warm and the smell of Sea Water cologne. My eyes flutter open to have my face buried in Hachi's chest. My eyes wander and see his eyes still closed. I tried to slip away yet hachi had other plans. He pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Noo~ Not yet~" He slurred in his morning voice.

My heart couldn't take how cute he was. After a few minutes I managed to escape his grasp. I dust myself off and look at hachi to see the blanket laying on his pelvis, leaving his chest completely exposed. My face dusted with f/c. I quickly shook my head and began to get ready for the day ahead.

~+~+ Time Skip +~+~

I was on my phone and saw that Sancus made a groupchat with Cara, Himself, myself, and Ray.

Chat: Teammates :D

S: Hey everyone! Just wanted to tell you that Ray has caught a cold and told me to tell you two that he's fine and not to worry about him and to just have fun with your day <3

C: Aww, I hope he gets better! I'm gonna make him some seaweed stew later, thanks for the updates Sancus! :)

S: No problem and If any of you have any questions let me know and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities :p

'Hmm, weird how Ray hasn't talked yet.. Oh well.'

Y: Hey, I hope Ray gets better. The team works best with the leader healthy.

S: Thanks Y/n! I'm sure he'll be back soon!

I chuckled and put my phone down and threw my head back hitting something.

"Ow, ow ,ow!" I said rubbing my head.

I Look up and see hachi rubbing his nose.

"Owie-" He grunted in pain.

Oh my hearts ached when he said "ow".

"I'm sorry Hachi. I didn't see you there." I said looking at him.

"It's okay, y/n. I was kinda reading your messages... I'm sorry but I saw Sancus talking about Ray and I wanted to know." He confessed.

"Hachi that's okay. Sancus just said that he was sick." I spoke.

"We should visit him! We could take him some medicine or something." He smiled.

"I think that would be good, we can do that later." I agreed.

"Are you ready to go? I ate an apple from the kitchen, so i'm good." Hachi said, helping me up from the couch.

"Yup, Let's get going. I wanna see Snapper Canal. I wanna study the map a little bit."

"I'm cool with that! I've Been meaning to look at that stage." Hachi said, leading me out of my home. I lock the door and let Hachi continue to lead the way.

+~+ Time Skip +~+

We walked over to the Square and I began to wander while Hachi was talking to his team. I then went to see Pearl and Marina. I smiled as they waved to me. I then look to my right and see a very suspicious figure cut the corner of the building near the Crust bucket. Me being the curious O/I, I followed the shadow.

"Y/n! Wait up!" Hachi shouted as he ran to me.

"Shh! I don't want us to get us caught!" I whisper-yelled, covering his face with my hand.

His eyes widened and he nodded and kept quiet. I followed the shadow and heard some noise.

"You were ALWAYS the problem!" A male voice could be heard.

One Special Cephalopod (Hachi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now