Chapter 22: Morning Tickles

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~~Art isnt Mine and I hope you enjoy :>~~

The night was a bit rough. I couldn't really handle the knowledge that Ray has provided. Hachi has been staying with me quite a lot lately and it's been great honestly. Hachi can read me with ease now and it's comforting and nice to be tended to without asking. He has been so kind to me and it has me question his motives a bit.

"Y/n! Good morning!" Hachi smiled with his signature smile. Hachi was a morning person. I was not.

"Good morning.." I said in my morning tone with a hint of tiredness still lingering. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Come on wake up~" He spoke to me as I turned away and hid myself within the blankets and pillows.

"I can't the blankets have claimed me as their own and I can't break their trust," I spoke a bit muffled due to me being in a pile of blankets. Hachi giggled at my childness and went quiet.

'I don't like how quiet he got.'

I lifted up the cover a bit to see if he was still in the doorframe, which he wasn't. I peeked my head out fully and began to look around the room.

"Hachi? I don't like how quiet you got. Where are you?" I asked.

Next thing I know I am being pinned to the bed with the sheets pulled off of me. I screeched as Hachi began to tickle me.

"NO! Stap it!! I Hate being tickled!" I laughed trying to get out of his grip. He was straddled on my lower back and had continued to tickle me.

"Are you awake yet?" He giggled as he continued to tickle me. I managed to get on my back and look straight at him.

"Y E S F O R T H E L O V E OF M A R I E L E T M E G O !" I practically, no I did beg. I hated being tickled. He let me go and I was finally able to breathe. I was giving out large exhales and inhales. I finally looked up at Hachi to see a very strained face. I gave him a look to show I was confused. He then began to let out a very high pitched squeak. I looked down and saw his legs crossed. Then it finally clicked.

"HACHI! I am SO sorry!" I yelled, grabbing him and pulling him into a hug. "I didn't know that I kicked you there!" I explained holding the little hurt octo.

"Hah, It's okay! I-It was an accident! But c-can I lay down..?" With that he just collapsed on top of me. I was shocked at first but let him lay on me and I played with his tentacle as he laid there gaining his strength back. He finally looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you still hurt?" I asked, holding his face. His big magenta eyes stared into my e/c ones.

"I am but I know how you can help me.." Hachi gave a smirk. I didn't like where this was going but I felt super bad for possibly killing his future children.

"And what would that be...?" I asked with a bit of hesitance. His smile grew as he closed his eyes leaned close to me gripping me in his tight embrace. I stiffened a bit yet slowly relaxed. He looked at me and kissed me on the tip of my nose. My face exploded into a F/c blush. He chuckled at me and got up.

"Today is the day Ray gets out I believe. Let's get ready." He stretched and pulled his pj's off him and got dressed. I did the same but I changed in the bathroom. I'm still scared to change infront of him. Even if he and I are dating. After we got dressed we grabbed a fruit and made our way to the hospital.

~~Time Skip~~

As Hachi and I walked to the hospital hachi had a weird expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked, holding his hand.

"I just feel like this is my fault that he is in such a painful state..." Hachi spoke in a sad shaky tone. He stopped and small sniffles could be heard. I held his face to see tears threatening to fall. My thumb began to wipe them away and gave him a small sad smile.

"You did nothing wrong Hachi. I know you feel like you are responsible but you aren't." I reassured him.

"Yeah, It was all my doing for this event to occur and escalate to what it was." A voice chuckled. Hachi and I Turned around to see Sancus, Cara, and Ray. Cara and Sancus got excited and ran over to the both of us. Leaving Ray wobbling to gain his balance. Both Inklings tackled us into a bone crushing hug.

"You guys made it!" Sancus smiled at me.

"Yeah! We were about to go celebrate with Ray!" Cara smiled. Ray limped over to us and Hachi ran him so he wouldn't fall.

"Ah! Sorry Ray! We just got excited!" Sancus spoke frantically, as he tried to help Ray out.

""H-Hey, It's okay! I know that you guys got excited to see them." Ray chuckled. I finally was set free and walked up to him .

"You look good for almost being killed." I spoke.

'Are you squiting me? Did I really just say that ?' I slapped my wrist for using that word.

"Really? I thought I would look worse than before." Ray chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder. Then an inkling with blue tentacles ran up to us with a big group behind him.

'Is that Goggles?'

"Sancus! I heard the news, is everyone okay?" The inkling spoke tackling Sancus in a hug.

"Hey Goggles! I'm glad you made it! Did you bring you know who?" Sancus smiled.

"Yup Yup! He's with the rest of the group." Goggles smiled. Sancus nodded and looked to see "Him".

"Hey, Ray are you okay? You took quite the beating." Army spoke.

'Wait.. THE ARMY?!'

I look back to see the rest of the inklings to see the S4 and Rider. Along with team blue.

"I'm fine, just sore. I could go for some good food though." Ray chuckled.

"Then let's go over to my place, I have the room to hold all of you. Let's go eat some curry." Army Smiled and began to lead the way. "And Ray, I have a spare room in case you feel that you need to part ways while at my home." Army spoke. Ray nodded and began to limp.

"One of you four help Ray walk." Army commented.

"I'm fine, I got this." Ray defended. Aloha walked up to him and helped him walk. When Ray and Aloha were in front of us I saw Goggles and Sancus laughing.

"Care to explain?" Hachi and I spoke in sync. Both gave a nervous smile.

"Ray has a crush on an S4 Member. He never has these feelings so it's cute to see him flustered." Sancus spoke and walked. Hachi smiled and held my hand.

"I hope Ray gets with him." Hachi smiled. He looked at me and kissed my cheek. F/c dusted my face.

"You would think I would be used to this huh? Well no I am not." I spoke looking up at him with a smile.

~~Sorry for very slow updates School Is killing me slowly :,)~~

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