Chapter 27: Unforgettable, Right?

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Hachi was rushed to the ER and I sat there hyperventilating and was just staring at the Octoling  who laid there with his breathing being slow.
"Please, don't leave me Hachi, you are the best thing that happened to me. Don't leave me." I hiccuped and grabbed his hand. As the ambulance sirens were all that filled my ears. Tears streamed down my face as I myself started to fade in and out of consciousness.
I called Hachi's team as well as my own with the S4, Ryder and Goggles team. All are rushing to the hospital. Ray bursted in the waiting room and just looked at me. He was trying to catch his breath. I studied what he was wearing and I thought this was out of his comfort. Mainly since he didn't wear his mask. He rushed to me and hugged me.
"Im so sorry Y/n... I wish I could have been there but I left so selfishly! I'm so sorry." He apologised profusely.
"Ray, It's not your fault whoever did this will get what's coming to them." I said, hugging him back.
Hours have passed and I ended up falling asleep and I remember seeing Ray cover me in his jacket before falling to sleep.
I woke up and saw everyone there.
'It feels like I've been in the hospital lately... It isn't nice at all, all I see are my loved ones getting hurt..'
"Excuse me, Y/n. Hachi is ready to see you." the Doctor spoke. I rushed over to the room and walked in to see him with a bandage wrapped over one of his eyes. I walk over with a smile on my face knowing he's safe. I sat next to him and he tilted his head a bit as if he was confused. I grabbed his hand and began to rub it with my thumb when he violently pulled away. I looked at him with confusion.
"Hachi? What's wrong?" I said, sad that he pulled away.
"Um.. How do you know my name?"
"Hachi... wait.. D-do you not know me?"
He looked dead into my e/c eyes and said to me.
"Who are you? And why are you trying to hold my hand?" he said holding the hand I held. Tears welled in my eyes as I realized that he more than likely had amnesia.
"H-Hachi.. Please you can't forget me right? Right?!" I began to panic and grow frantic.
"Um, ma'am you are scaring me... can you please leave my room.." He asked. I froze and looked at him.
"I um.. Hachi. Just know that I'll wait for you. You are the one that I will always love." I said before walking out of the room. I closed the door and walked past the waiting room and began to cry.
"Y/n Wait!"
I ignored the voice and just ran away. I thought I escaped the person but I was wrong when Ray put his hand on my shoulder. I tried my hardest not to cry right then and there.
"Y/n what happened? I want to help you." He said. That started a flow of tears.
"Ray, Hachi he.. He.."
"Hey, hey.. Breath, take a few breaths then tell me okay?" He said as his voice switched to a caring almost motherly tone.
"Hachi, does not remember me. He doesn't know me anymore. He looked at me as if I was a stranger to him!" I choked. I threw myself at Ray wanting comfort. Ray caught me and just began to pat my back.
"It will be okay. Love will find a way. He will remember and if not then." Ray stopped and looked around the empty hall.
"He will follow his heart, and that will lead him straight back to you. He may not know it right now but he will fall for you like he did the first time." Ray spoke.
I stood there as Ray simply stood there for as long as I needed it. I finally pulled away and looked at him still crying. He just gave a saddened smile.
"He will see that he loves you, he will remember. Just be patient." He reassured me.
We walked back and saw that Hachi was there confused as Ray's team began to approach him. Ray grabbed the both of them and shook his head and they both sadly backed off. Hachi looked over at me and smiled. My heart began to hurt.
'I miss that smile.. I miss him.'
I simply smiled back with tear stains.

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