Chapter 24: "Can you Stop?"

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~~Warning dirty innuendos are included~~

We all fell asleep in the living room. I was the second one awake. I knew this because I saw Army running around the kitchen making breakfast. I look over my shoulder to see Hachi's head buried in my neck with soft snores. I looked around and saw everyone cuddling with each other, mainly spooning. Yet when I panned across the room I saw Ray and Skull missing. I arched my eyebrow and looked around. I carefully got out of Hachi's embrace and walked to the back room. I crack open the door and see a back faced towards me. I opened it a bit wider and saw Skull and Ray laying in the bed. I squeaked a bit too loud and Skull turned around, a bit violently. He and I made eye contact and he looked pissed.

"I am so sorry, I didn't think anyone was going to be in here." I apologized.

"Get out please." Skull Replied and turned back to Ray and cuddled him.

I closed the door and walked back to the kitchen to try and help out Army. Army being the stubborn Inkling he is, he said to go lay back down. I walked over to Hachi and saw his cute figure sprawled out on the floor. I smiled and laid on his chest and listed to his heart beats.

~~Time skip~~

I was gently shaken awake by my lovely Octo boyfriend. He was playing with my F/c tentacles. My e/c connected with his magenta ones.

"Good Morning my little Squid/Octo. How did you sleep?" Hachi asked, kissing my forehead.

"I slept well, how about you?" I smiled at his contact.

"Great since I'm with you." He spoke.

We were on the floor and everyone but two people were there. Hachi and I got up and saw army set out brunch. It was Miso Soup. We all sat down and were about to eat, then I saw That Ray and Skull were missing. Sancus and Bobble were about to eat but Sancus saw that Bobble was about to spill her food. He quickly pushed the bowl away and caught the spoon and Miso Soup that was on the spoon spilled over his head.

"I'm Sorry Sancus! I didn't mean to spill it on you!" Bobble said with her smile but with a saddened tone.

"It's okay Bobble! It was an accident!" Sancus smiled with soup falling down his face. Bobble then grabbed a napkin and helped Sancus get cleaned up.

"Hey where is Skull and Ray?" Goggles asked while swallowing his food.

"I don't know Maybe the back room. Headphones can you call them?" Army asked.

"Sure!" Headphones got up and walked over to the room. We all talked for a few minutes and then headphones walked over with her face a very dark blue.

"I-I Think they are busy.." Headphones said sitting back down.

"I'll go check on them and get them." I spoke. I was curious to see what she saw.

I walked over to the room and I started to hear noise. I put my ear on the door gently to hear the conversation.

"Can you stop?"

"How can you do this?!"

"It's too big!"

"It's too tight..."

"Skull How are you able to work in a situation like this?!"

"Ray, how are you able to be comfortable? It's too big for me."

I was a blushing mess for half of the conversation. I just knocked and heard things falling and small curses from Ray.

"Hold on.." Skull spoke.

"I'm coming in.." I said and walked in.

I walked in and saw that Ray and Skull had swapped clothes. Skull's clothes looked a bit too tight for Ray and Ray's clothes looked a bit too big for him.

"What happened?" Skull asked.

"I- Just... Food is ready.." I spoke walking out of the room.

"Are they coming?" They all asked. I sat back down and simply nodded with my face a dark shade of f/c.

"Hey there they are! How did you guys sleep?" Goggles asked with a huge grin.

"Fine, can we eat?" Ray asked a bit tiredly.

They both sat down and began to eat as if nothing happened. We carried out basic conversations and shared laughs. I was holding Hachi's hand and was sitting close to him. He was warm and every sign of affection he showed I savored. He was too kind though. I've noticed that and I don't want him hurting due to an arrogant Squid or Octo.

"Y/n! You have a bit of food on your face." Hachi said, holding my face.

"O-Oh, sorry I was lost in thought and must have not noticed." I smiled.

"My silly girlfriend." Hachi smiled, while cleaning my face. "So childish." He chuckled at the end.

I puffed out my cheeks with a bit of a f/c hue. Hachi chuckled and the others giggles echoed throughout the room.

"10/10 couple right there." Aloha smirked.

Everyone nodded and had turned away from my situation. I pulled Hachi into a hug and I didn't want to let go.

"Thank you Hachi. For everything." I spoke into his chest.

"Y/n, I should be thanking you. I know that we met in not the most romantic way but we have this connection that just makes me feel like we are one." Hachi said, holding my hands.

"In all honesty Hachi, that was one of the best days in my life, because I met you." I confessed.

"Oh lordddddd, Just goooo and be happyy somewhere elseeeeeeee." Mask slurred. Cara gave an irked expression and hit him on the back of his head. He looked at her with the same tired, and irked expression.

"Leave them be, just because you aren't happy." Cara spoke and began to finish her food.

All Mask did was grunt a response. The table chuckled and shared more stories and battles. Sancus was a bit animated and ended up falling down with his chair.

"I'm okay!" He responded and fixed himself.

After talking I felt a bit light headed and rested my head on Hachi's shoulder. He took note of this and told Army Thank you for the amazing time but that we should leave since I'm ill. Everyone nodded and said their goodbyes and gave hugs. Hachi and I were walking back to our home when I almost fell over my own feet. Hachi caught me and sighed. Next thing I noticed was me being carried by him. I blushed and buried my face into his chest. He giggled and kissed me on top of my head.

" I love you my little swaffle." He chuckled.

"I l-love you too." I said with my face a burning f/c.

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