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I'm so sorry for the delay. I'm currently working on a new book that I'd hopefully be dropping on Thursday. The entire preparation has been really stressful and time-consuming so please bear with me.

(Noah's POV)

Four years and a couple of months later

"Hey, look over there. Its mummy" I pointed at Ijeoma who walking across the front stage

My two-year-old son peered at the stage for a second before he was able to recognize his mother. He bounced excitedly on my lap while he pointed at her. "Mummy!!"

Zozo on the other hand just stared fixedly at the stage, clapping her hands because everyone else around her was. Before Ijeoma was called unto the stage to receive her testimonial Zozo was bored out of her mind and was at the brink of falling asleep.

Ijeoma's sister who was positioned beside Zozo released a loud whistle as she clapped excitedly for her sister. Ijeoma's entire family was in attendance for her convocation ceremony along with some of her work colleagues and we took up an entire row.

It was actually nice of her work colleagues to show up for graduation after she casually mentioned it to them. It had been a really long time since she actually saw them.

After the wedding when Ijeoma started school, she tried juggling schoolwork and her actual work which worked out for a short while but Nigerian Universities being unimaginably stressful, the workload began to overwhelm her.

Her boss was considerate to shorten her workdays just so she didn't have to turn up every day to work. The downside was the reduction of her usual salary due to the reduced number of days. Ijeoma didn't really care about the reduction, she just wanted to still retain a spot in the company.

That idea went down the drain when we found out she was pregnant with our son, Chizaram which meant God answered me. Ijeoma revealed that the reason for the name was as a result of a wish she internally bored in her heart. She wanted our child to be a boy, as a replacement for the one she initially lost, and once the gender was revealed she immediately announced she had the perfect name for him.

Juggling school and pregnancy wasn't exactly a walk in the park for her. Luckily, her pregnancy was comparatively an easy one if not she would've had to defer her admission until she gave birth. The real work started after she had him because she had to be with him basically every second.

There were so many classes she missed out on and few tests but with the help of some younger friends she made, she was able to catch up on school work and assignments.

I can't help being extremely proud of her because no matter how much I tried to help out, there were so many things I couldn't help her do even if I wanted to. She was able to balance being a new mom and student and did well enough to be graduating right now.

She had a bright smile on her face as she received her testimonial and as she returned to the seats reserved for the graduands.


Ijeoma's POV

I came out of the crowded and stuffy hall into a more crowded school environment. The convocation ceremony had now ended and everyone was trying to either find their family or had found them and were taking pictures.

The whole place was swamped with commercial photographers and snack vendors. If you were wearing a graduation robe, the likelihood to be stopped by a photographer for pictures was 99.9%. I scanned my surrounding for any signs of my family as I moved amongst the crowd.


I caught sight of a figure waving in the crowd and that figure turned out to be my sister, Kamsi. She was standing together with my parents and Zozo while Zaram was being carried by my father. Noah was nowhere in sight. I quickened my pace over to them.

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