Chapter Forty-eight

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A/N: I sincerely apologize for the delay. This chapter really took my time and I didn't want to rush it just to meet up with my schedule.
Anyways, enjoy.

Ijeoma's POV

"You say that my client abused you physically, emotionally and sexually?" Kunle's lawyer asked.

I was currently seated on the witness stand, getting cross-examined by Kunle's attorney. Kunle had taken the stand before me and he stuck to his made-up story while I stood by mine. They had really thought this one out because even when aunt Chisom cross-examined him, she wasn't able to get much out of him that would help our case.

Narrating my story in front of a room filled with strangers was very nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. I didn't know if they believed me or not, the feeling of not knowing what was going through their minds was nerve-wracking. My eyes never left Noah's face whilst telling the story, he was my safe space in all of this.

"Yes," I said

"What evidences do you have to prove that these allegations are true?" He asked

"I don't have one"

"So how can we believe what you're saying is true, if there's no evidence backing up your statements?"

"When the man who is supposed to be the love of your life and father of your child hits you, running to create evidence would not be the first thing that comes to mind" I replied calmly

"Okay. What about the subsequent times he allegedly hit you? You were already aware of what he was capable of, why didn't you file a report against him?" he asked

I chuckled humorlessly. "You talk like you're not from this country. You need money to do almost everything in this country. To get the police to even issue an arrest or even look into my case would involve money"

"Miss Ijeoma, how are we supposed to believe you when your story is based on word of mouth?"

"Just like his story is. I have two written statements from both establishments I worked at when he lost his job, so how can I run away due to lack of financial support when I clearly was the one providing for the family" I shot back

I could see from the man's facial expression that I had rendered him speechless. I thanked God in my mind because under my calm and brave front, I was scared shitless.

"No more questions," he said and I returned back to my seat.

"I'd like to call my first witness to the stand" he announced to the court. "Mrs Blessing Okafor"

Mrs Okafor was on our witness list but both lawyers could call witnesses on each other's list. I watched as Mrs Okafor walked to the stand. The court clerk picked up the holy bible and did the whole swearing process before Kunle's attorney began his questioning.

"Mrs Okafor, you were the next-door neighbour to Miss Ijeoma. Am I right?" he said

"Yes" she nodded

"How will you describe Miss Ijeoma's relationship with her child?"

"I would say, very good" she replied.

"You would say?"

"I don't live with Miss Ijeoma in her home but from the little I see, she loves her daughter very much and so does her daughter," she said

"How frequently does she spend time with her child?" he probed

"She spends her weekends with her daughter"

"Does that mean that during weekdays her child stays with you?"


"Are you in any way related to Miss Ijeoma?"

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