Chapter Fifty-one

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Noah's POV

It has been three days since we received the verdict and everyone was still shocked. I can still remember the shocked/horrified expression on Ijeoma's face after the verdict was announced. Even after people dispersed out of the courtroom, she remained stuck standing in the same position. I tried talking to her and getting her to snap out of her trance state but there was no response from her.

She remained in the quiet and rigid state for over two hours after we left the courthouse before she finally snapped out of it. After which she began to act as if nothing had happened, she didn't cry neither did she want to talk about it. We had to return to Anambra the next day since we were given three days before they came to get Zozo. The moment we stepped into the house, she stuck Zozo to her side and wouldn't let her out of her sight for a second.

Ijeoma's mother offered to still stay back, just so she could offer support to her daughter but Ijeoma refused. She said she didn't want anyone hovering around her and it was fine for her mother to head back to Lagos.

Ever since the verdict announcement, everyone had their hands on deck trying to help out whichever way they could. Aunt Chisom was working on appealing to a higher court for Zozo's custody, my dad hired a private investigator... well because everyone with a working brain could see that this is a case of foul play. My mom spoke to the chief of surgery and the hospital administrator concerning an elongation of my leave from the hospital, Ijeoma's boss excused Ijeoma from work for as long as she needed after her father filled him in on the current situation. My siblings also called in to let us know that they were available if we needed anything.

I was currently in Zozo's bedroom, trying to pack up her stuff against tomorrow. The most dreaded day of my life. I had already packed a small box that contained her shoes and cosmetics, like her body lotion and others. I raised a purple shirt that had 'daddy's little girl' in glittery prints on it, I had gotten it for Zozo the week before I left for the medical volunteering. I didn't even get to see her wear it because by the time I got back from my trip the court summon had arrived.

I was about to place the folded top into her box when the door was pushed open and Ijeoma walked in.

"Hey wh-" she halted in her steps and narrowed her eyes at me. "What are you doing?"

I didn't respond instead I exhaled deeply, sensing a heated argument approaching.

She took a step away from the door. "What are you doing?"

"I'm packing Zozo's stuff for tomorrow" I replied softly

She visibly winced at my response but quickly covered it up. "Why?"

"Babe, I know you're hurting right now. I am too... but acting like nothing happened won't make it go away" I said calmly.

She didn't respond for a while as she focused her gaze on the clothes scattered around the bed. Like someone who was propelled by an unknown force, she rushed over to my side and turned the box upside down. She shook the box in the air to get all the neatly folded clothes back on the bed.

"She's not going anywhere so there's no need for all of this" she said, her voicing breaking as she spoke.

She moved to grab the smaller box that had the shoes but I held her back.

"Please stop" I said

"No, you stop!!" she pushed my hands away and stepped back.

"She's my daughter! She's supposed to be with me!" she screamed out as tears pooled in her eyes.

This was the first time since the verdict that she was crying. I moved to hold her but she stepped back, holding out her hands in front of her.

"No" she said amidst tears

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