Chapter Thirty-six

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Tres updates!!!!!
Some of you asked me to do a triple update and I thought 'are y'all crazy' but then again, you guys are my lovelies and how else can I appreciate you guys for all the support and love. 

So, enjoy

Kachi's POV

The tapping sound from my keyboard as I typed on my laptop fueled me in a weird way. I ran my hands over my scalp as I encountered a minor roadblock. A light knock on my door made me look up from the work before me.

It was Ijeoma.

She was wearing a blood-red, tight office dress and she let her hair cascade down her back. She looked rather ravishing today, her make-up was very light with the exception of her lips. She went for a bold-red lipstick that made her lips look fuller and plump.

Why the hell am I thinking about my secretary's lips?

I quickly shook off those thoughts from my mind and returned my attention to my laptop.

"You need to sign these papers, sir" she walked towards me and stopped just in front of my desk.

"What is it about?" I asked gesturing to the papers in her hand.

"I think it's papers from one of our shipments that just arrived. I'm not sure, I was just sent to give the papers to you. Mr Emenike has already signed it" she said

"Okay" I made a slight movement with my head.

I was about to outstretch my hand to collect the papers but Ijeoma walked around my desk instead. She stood beside my chair and placed the papers on the table before me. The brain fogging scent of her perfume filled my senses, she smelled of roses and a distinctive fragrance.

She bent down and flipped the papers open. "You'll sign here and here" she used her fingers to point out the specific places my signature was needed.

I looked around for the pen that I was just using like two seconds ago. It was like the pen suddenly disappeared or was it the fact that she was this close that made me lose complete focus.

"Here" she handed me the pen


Our fingers slightly brushed against each other as I collected the pen. I could swear I felt an electrical jolt pass through me at the slight contact.

I quickly signed the papers so she could leave as soon as possible. I really needed to be alone to be able to sort out what was really going on with me.

She picked the papers and hit them lightly against the table to arrange them and fix the papers sticking out at different ends. Some of her fell the side of her face and she tucked the hair behind her eyes giving me a close side view of her face.

She straightened up and headed for the door. I felt a compelling force take over me and I had no control of what I did next.

"Ijeoma" I called out

She stopped mid in her tracks and turned around. To the normal eyes, she turned around normally but in my eyes, she turned around in slow motion like the heroines in movies do.

What the hell was going on with me?

I stood up from the chair, walked around my desk to meet her a couple of inches away from my desk. The air between us was a literal electrical field and it was a matter of time before we attracted. My eyes travelled to her lips and then her eyes.


I closed the distance between us and enveloped her lips with mine. To my greatest surprise, she responded to the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I lifted her off the ground and walked the short distance to my desk before placing her on it.

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