Chapter Thirty-three

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Hey guys, I sincerely apologize for missing yesterday's update. I was extremely busy.
Anyway, Enjoy.

Ijeoma POV

"Hi. Good morning" I said as I settled down in the passenger side of Noah's car.

"Hey. How was church?" he looked to the church building I had just exited from.

"Twas good" I replied

"Zozo, can't you greet?" I turned to face her in the backseat.

She took out the Supreme ice cream from her lips and moved closer to front of the car. She wrapped her little arms around Noah neck and said.


"Morning baby" he placed a kiss on her forehead.

She returned back to her seat and stuck the ice cream back into her mouth. I chuckled as shook my head at her. Once she had ice cream in her hands, she completely forgets about the world around her.

"Zozo, put your seatbelt on" Noah said to her

I looked to the back of the car and noticed that the car seat wasn't in the back. He probably didn't bring along because he was coming straight from the hospital after a long night shift. Noah was trying to meet up and spend time with us any chance he got.

As soon as Zozo clicked her seatbelt shut, Noah pulled out of the spot he was parked in on the side of the road. Ten minutes into the ride, I noticed that we were going the wrong way and he had a missed a turn behind us.

"Where are you going? We were supposed to go that way" I said pointing behind me

"I know" he nodded. "I thought we should have breakfast at Dominos"

"Oh, okay"

"Yeah. I heard they just opened one around here" he said

"That's nice" I replied

He made a right turn into a junction. "I'll need you to help me check my phone for the directions Dr. Tiwa sent to me"


I picked his phone up from the cup holder compartment between us. I tapped the screen and his lock screen page appeared.

I held the phone out to him "You need to type in your password"

"Chizoma in capital letters" he said without taking the phone.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows as if to say 'what kind of password is that'.

He chuckled lightly. "It's a combination of the first half of Zozo's name and the last half of yours"

"Awwwn" I gushed.

This man just be making me blush anyhow.

"Now that you know my password..." he drawled on suggestively

"Nope" I replied as I typed in the password

He chuckled. "Are you serious?"

I laughed out loud. "I'm just joking. There's no password on my phone"

"Yeah?" he glanced in my direction briefly and then returned his gaze to the road.

"Yes" I said firmly. "Where do I get the directions from?"

"Check my text messages" he said

A few scrolls and taps, I found the said message from Dr. Tiwa

"She said once you get to Agu close, turn into the street on the left—" I read out


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