Chapter Twenty-seven

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the long wait. I really don't have viable excuse, so I apologise. Please, keep bearing with my lazy self and I'll try as much as possible to be consistent.

Ijeoma's POV

I walked through the Emenike shipping limited doors with an air of confidence around me. I didn't know if it was my newly made wavy black sew-in that flowed down to the middle of my back. Or the fitted Navy blue suit jacket and trousers paired with a light pink camisole and shiny black heels  that made me feel that way but I just had this exhilarating rush of confidence and I felt so good in my own skin.

It was like a new me was walking through the doors.

Mr. Emenike's secretary welcomed me with a smile and from her voice, I could tell she was the one who called me the other day.

"So... Mr. Emenike has not yet arrived so just sit over there and give him a few minutes she pointed to the row of waiting chairs in the corner.

"Okay, thank you"

I walked over to the chairs and took a seat.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Emenike walked into the room. He was dressed in an ash coloured native wear; a long sleeved shirt that stopped mid thigh with two gold buttons adorned at the neck area and matching trousers. He also had a red chieftaincy cap situated on his head, a fashionable cane in his left hand and a black briefcase in the other.

"Good morning, sir" Nkechi, his receptionist stood and greeted.

"Morning, my dear"

She walked around her desk and took the briefcase in his hands. She said some things that I couldn't quite catch before walking ahead into his office. I guessed it was concerning me because he looked in my direction afterwards.

"Aah. Ijeoma, you're here already"

"Yes sir. Good morning, sir" I rose from my seat.

"Morning" he said. "Come along"

We walked into his office as Nkechi placed his briefcase neatly on the table before walking out. I waited for him to take his seat before taking mine.

"Uhm... I just want to say thank you, sir for giving me the chance to work here" I started

He chuckled. "Your father called to say the same thing and I told him that I hired you because I saw determination in you and not because he asked me to. So in other words, don't disappoint me"

"I'll try my best, sir" I said firmly.

"Good" he replied with a smile. "So... For your job post. You'll be working under my nephew Kachi, the CFO and acting CEO as his secretary while his old secretary would be moved to his P.A"

"He needs more hands than I do. After all, he runs the company when I'm not here" he continued

I nodded in understanding.

"As for your salary... You would be paid the amount of seventy-five thousand Naira per month and with promising advancement, the pay would increase"

Wow. That was thirty-five thousand more than my former pay and there was a chance it could move up. I know I haven't started the job yet but I'm already loving it.

"My secretary would show you to your post and Kachi would take it up from there" he instructed

I nodded. "Thank you so much, sir"

"You're welcome. You can go"

I headed out of his office and walked over to Nkechi's desk. She was already up standing waiting for me.

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