Chapter Thirty-two

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Noah's POV

It was a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon. Things at the hospital had calmed down a little bit, although there were still patients coming in and out of the hospital. These past few weeks have been really busy and stressful, I couldn't even remember having time for myself.

I was putting in all of time, energy and focus into getting this promotion as much as every doctor on the race was. I realized that it had put a huge strain on my relationship with Ijeoma, more than I had expected. We knew that this was going to happen especially with her new job separating us but I don't think we anticipated it being this way.

I was currently on my way to Ijeoma's apartment to surprise her for the second time. Unlike, last time I knew that she was going to be home, being that it was a Saturday and she didn't have work. I took a day off from work saying that I had some family emergency I needed to attend to, if a little time off would affect my chances of getting the promotion then I was never meant to get it.

A large tube of ice cream and two family size buckets of chicken from KFC were sitting on the passenger side of my car. I also had freshly cut daffodils as well, as a romantic gesture. I know she didn't really care for the flowers but since yellow was her favorite color, I decided to get them.

I parked my car outside her house, by the roadside so that she doesn't see the car come into the premises. Once I made sure that my car was properly packed and that I wasn't going to come back to meet scratches on it, I got down from the car with the bags and the flower in hand.

There were some men seated on a bench under a big mango tree, a few metres away from Ijeoma's place. They were all looking in my direction and whispering amongst themselves. I raised a hand in the air as a sign of greeting and they responded with a wave and a 'welcome o'.

Once inside her compound, I placed two loud knocks on her front door in order for her to hear irrespective of where she was in the apartment. As I waited for her to answer the door, I looked around the compound. The sun was scorching hot, the type that made you dehydrated from just spending a couple minutes in it and so everyone was inside their respective houses.

The front door flew open and an ear piercing scream followed not long after. One minute, she was standing before me and the next she was literally on top of me, hugging the life out of me. If I didn't have a steady stability, we would have both landed on the ground with the force at which she flung herself at me.

I chuckled, wrapping my free hand around her frame. "Hey babe"

"Oh my God. I didn't even know you were coming over" her face was tucked in the crook of my neck.

"Surprise!" I said amidst chuckles.

"I'm surprised, indeed" she pulled away from my neck to get a good look at me.

"Are you going to get down now?" I said when I saw that she made no effort to come down from my body.
She shook her head and crossed her legs behind me. "No"

I chuckled and hoisted her up in order for me to walk into the apartment. She eventually got down but she didn't release her hold on me. She was wearing a black hoodie and leggings, her hair was packed with a rubber band behind her.

"I've missed you" she said lifting her head from my chest and looking up at me.

"That makes the two of us" I said dropping my head down and placing a kiss on her lips.

"I've missed this" I whispered against her lips.

"Really?" She said playfully.

"Yeah" I placed another swift kiss on her lips

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