Chapter Twenty-three

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A/N: Guys, I'm really working on making my updates more frequent and regular.
Anyways, enjoy.


Christmas day

"Hey... we're here" I heard Noah whisper to me as he shook me gently awake.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see him looking at me with a smile on his face. A yawn made its way out my throat and I used my hand to cover my mouth. I stretched out all the tense muscles in my body before finally looking out the window at my surrounding.

Zozo and I were spending Christmas with Noah's family and they decided that it be held in his house. It was the first time, Zozo will be meeting his entire family and I was kind of nervous about how the whole thing would go.

In my desire to impress his family, I woke up at an ungodly hour to bake a red velvet cake in their honour and also for Jesus too which was why I was trying to catch up on my sleep on the way to his house. Zozo was also asleep in her car seat in the back, Noah got a car seat for her even though I told him it wasn't necessary because here in Nigeria, we hardly use car seats for children unless it's a baby.

We got down from the car, Noah moved to grab Zozo from the back while I grabbed the cake and icing equipment. I wasn't able to complete the icing decorations back at home so I decided to complete it at his house. Luckily for me, his family hadn't arrived yet so I had some time on my hands.

As we walked up to the front door, I admired the edifice that Noah called his house, it was breathtakingly beautiful. The off white and chocolate brown color of the house was brilliantly combined, giving the house a creamy, edible look. His neighborhood was admirably serene and calm filled with lovely looking houses like that of Noah's. A complete opposite of the washed up, spirogyra lined, haphazardly roofed houses filled with annoying, noisy and nosy neighbours in my neighbourhood. It was like I had stepped into another dimension.

I was genuinely surprised to know that Noah had a retina scanner installed at the front door. It wasn't something you see on a normal basis; it was more of keys and lock holes or padlocks.

The interior decor of his house was another ball game entirely, it was gobsmackingly beautiful, the light shade of yellow walls and cream plush sofas in the center of the living room gave it a warm, relaxing ambience.

"It's funny how we've been dating for months now and this is the first time I'm coming to your house" I said as I admired my surrounding.

"Yeah, that's true" he said like he was just realizing it himself. "Well, we are both living very busy lives"

I nodded. "You have a very beautiful home" I said truthfully

"Thank you" he said with a smile. "Let me drop this sleepy head in one of the rooms"

"Kay. Where's your kitchen? I need to get on this cake right away"

He pointed to a door opposite the staircase before heading upstairs with Zozo in his arms.

I walked over to the said door and turned the door handle open. The kitchen was very clean and tidy with a very spacious working space which was something I liked.

A thermocool double door refrigerator stood at the corner of the kitchen, a couple of drawers which I suspected held plates, pots and other kitchen utensils, a split unit air conditioner was keeping the kitchen cool and taking out any stale hot air present. I could totally see myself living here; it was basically heaven on Earth.

I walked over to the counter and placed the cake on the marble countertop. Heading over to the sink to wash my hands and get to work. I turned the hot water faucet and warm water came spriting out and a relaxed sigh escaped my lips.

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