Chapter Twenty-nine

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Ijeoma POV

It had been two weeks since I started working for the Emenike Shipping Company and I could say that I had gotten a hang of how things worked around here. I knew the clients who needed to be tended to with care and the ones who were nice and somewhat carefree, the disgusting and inappropriate flirts and the respectable ones.

Chioma had completely relinquished everything to me saying she was confident that I knew what I was doing. In some way, this job was teaching me a few things as an aspiring business woman.

My phone beeped and I unlocked to see a message from Noah.

See you later tonight 😉

A smile immediately made it's way to my face. I was so excited for tonight because believe it or not, Noah and I hadn't seen each other for the past two weeks. We were both so busy with our lives- more on Noah's part so we resorted to just phone calls, face time and texting.

A strike from health workers in Nigeria was going on and so there was no medical activities going on in the public hospitals. The doctors and nurses were trying to get the government to see that their needs were taken care of and their salaries were increased. Since Noah's hospital wasn't a government owned hospital and was private, they still went to work.

The hospital was flooding with people because of the whole strike thing making his work load even more larger. The fact that the hospital's bill was almost the same as the government hospitals made people come in even more.

I wasn't the only person who missed Noah presence. Zozo would basically fight me for my phone whenever we got the chance to talk and she wouldn't want to relinquish the phone once it was in her grasp.

So tonight, Noah made plans for the three of us to go out, have dinner at some fancy place and basically enjoy each others company. He said he was been let off early today and that he wanted to spend it with his favorite girls.

We planned for him to pick me up after work and then head over to my apartment to pick Zozo up. I didn't tell her that Noah would be coming around tonight because I wanted to watch her reaction when she sees him. I was so excited, I felt like fast forwarding the day and stop at 5pm when I would be done with work.

I can't wait 😁

I quickly replied before resuming what I was doing.

"Hey, is Mr. Kachi in?" Emeka walked into the office.

"Yeah" I looked up from the desktop. "Any problem?"

"Not really. I just want to run some things by him" he lifted a brown file in his hand.

"Oh okay. Let me inform him that you're here"

I pressed the number that connected to him directly and almost immediately, Mr. Kachi picked up the phone.


"Sir. Emeka from logistics is here. He said he wants to run some things by you" I informed him.

"Oh okay. Send him in"

"Okay sir" I placed the receiver back in the holder.

"You can go in" I looked up at Emeka.

Emeka was about 5'11 in height, skinny and spotted a low afro. He was clad in a vertically striped blue shirt and ash trousers held by a black belt. He had a certain bounce to his steps as he walked into Mr. Kachi's office. It was actually funny to watch because his nerd-like appearance did not match the swagger.

An hour later, Chioma walked into the office with a couple of files poking out of her handbag. Her strides were short but quick paced, she moved to her desk and placed her handbag on the table before pulling out the files.

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