Chapter Forty-three

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Ijeoma's POV

I sat on the edge of Noah's bed as I watched him zip up his already packed bag. He looked up and glanced around the room as if searching for anything else he had forgotten to pack.

"Babe, can you pass me my phone?" He pointed to his phone which was beside me.


I picked up the phone and passed it over to him.

It was 5am in the morning and Noah was about leaving for the hospital. He was part of the medical team that was being sent to a small remote village for medical aid.

The village had almost no source of medical services and the free health clinics that were available in the state were miles away from the villagers. The only things that sustained them were small pharmacy/provision stores that rendered off the counter medication.

The medical team were going to be in that village for a week. Noah hadn't left the house yet and I was already missing him.

"I'm set" he said as he lifted up the bag from his bed.

We walked out of his room and down the stairs, side by side.till we got to the front door.

Zozo was still asleep and we decided not to wake her up. It was more easier to tell her about his shirt trip after he had actually left that when he was still present.

"So, I'll see you in a week" he turned to face me.

"Mm hmm" I nodded slowly

He took my hand in his free one and gently caressed it before pulling me into a hug. I held unto him tightly, deeply inhaling his signature cologne.

"I'll be back before you know it" he said against my hair.

It was almost like he could tell how down I was feeling and was trying to lift my spirits.

It's just a week and I'm acting like he would be gone for months.

"One would think you are heading off to war with the way we're acting" I pulled apart from him, trying not to seem weak.

"Go on. You have to meet up with your colleagues at the hospital" I pulled open the front door and plastered a wide smile on my face.

Noah just watched me closely, he could see through my strong front but didn't say anything. I placed a chaste kiss on his lips but as I made to pull back, he cupped the back of my head and deepened the kiss.

Our breaths mixed together, I could taste the mint flavor of his Oral b toothpaste and I knew he could taste mine.

"Take care of yourselves" he whispered as we pulled apart , our heads still touching.

"We will" I whispered back

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before stepping out into the early morning cold air. I stood by the door, watching him place his bag in the back and get into the driver's seat. As he began to pull out of the driveway, I waved him goodbye till his car vanished from my view before walking back into the house.

I closed the door gently behind me and headed straight for my room. The house suddenly seemed so empty and quiet, not like it was boisterous before but it just had this certain cold feeling to it.


It had been three days since Noah left for that village and I can't say that I haven't missed him. I missed seeing his beautiful face, his cheeky smile, running my hands across his unshaven stubble and basically just being in his presence. There was this joy and peace I felt just knowing he was there.

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