Chapter Thirty-four

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Ijeoma's POV

The whole apartment was trashed. The sofa was moved to the wall behind it, my stool was on turned over on the ground. A little cupboard that was made for kitchen ingredients, was thrown across the floor wide open, some spices spread across the floor.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen. I looked around and my heart clenched in pain. There were kitchen utensils and plates scattered on the floor, some broken and others still whole. My gas cooker and cylinder were nowhere to be found. The liquid dish soap was on the floor under the sink.

At this point, I didn't even want to go into our bedroom to even look at what had been done there. Judging by the kitchen and living room, it was going to be a total mess. I slowly pushed open the bedroom door and true to my assumptions, it was like a hurricane occurred inside the bedroom.

I didn't have much but however, did this made it look like I had so much with all the clothes strewed across the floor. My black suitcase was placed upside down near the foot of the bed, my mattress was on the other side of the room. Zozo's birth certificate along with some other files were scattered at the front of my room just before my feet.

"Who would do this to me?" I muttered to myself as I crossed over the files and into the room.

I didn't even know where to start from, what to pick up first or even tell what was missing. I felt so overwhelmed with emotions, I just stood in the middle of the room with tears sliding down my face, looking at the mess that was made.

I heard Noah's voice from the living room. He was speaking to someone on the phone, I couldn't make out what he was saying neither did I want to. My mind was too scrambled to even think properly.

The company files!!

I quickly rushed over to the wardrobe where I had kept the files. I flung the wardrobe open, some of the clothes that I had neatly hung on the iron rail were laying on the first board. I flung all the clothes on the board unto the floor as I searched frantically for the bag with the files.

Oh my God!! No, No, No.

My heart rammed within my chest. I couldn't lose those files, it could cost me my job. My chest almost exploded when I cleared the first board and found nothing. My eyes roamed the second board that I used it to keep Zozo's clothes and kid products. I noticed that they didn't really go through her things when they noticed it was a child's clothes. Zozo's suitcase was only zipped open but that was all. The floor section of the wardrobe was where I kept our shoes, so I didn't bother looking there.

I got on my knees throwing the clothes and body products out of my way. I sighted my black bag in a corner by the wall. I rushed to the bag and the files were the first thing I saw.

"Oh thank God" I placed my hand over my chest.

"The police are on their way" Noah stepped into the room with Zozo still in his arms.

"The police?"

"Yeah. I called my mom and she made some calls to a high police official she knows. They are sending some police officers over here" he explained.

I nodded mindlessly as I turned my focus to the disaster around me.

"Hey" I felt his arm wrap around me from behind. "I'm here for you"

I turned to face him and then wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. I just wanted to feel safe and at ease, and I could only feel that in his arms.

I felt Zozo squirm in his arm and I quickly wiped my tear stains. She slowly lifted her head up from Noah's shoulder and her eyes met with mine. She immediately reached for me and I took her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned on me, it was like she could feel my pain and immediately wanted to console me.

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