Chapter Twenty-six

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A/N: Hey guys, I don't know when next I'll be dropping a chapter but I hope it would be soon. Also, the next couple of chapters would be in Ijeoma's POV.


Ijeoma's POV

The day at work was almost over, there weren't as many people in the cafeteria and workers were slowly packing up for the night.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see an incoming call from an unknown number.

"Hello" I said

"Hello, good evening" a female voice said. "My name is Nkechi from Emenike shipping limited. Am I speaking to Ms. Ijeoma?"

"Oh hi" I said a little high pitched. "Yes, you're speaking to her"

My heart rate gradually began to increase in anticipation with a mix of fear and dread. I headed over to the locker room to take the rest of the call.

"I called on behalf of Mr. Emenike concerning the job you applied for and we are happy to say that you have made an addition to the company" she said

"Oh, that's... Wait did you say 'addition'?"

She chuckled. "Yes, Ms. Ijeoma that's what I said"

"Oh my God ... Thank you so much" I said excitedly.

"I'm not the one you should be thanking but you can do that when you start work on Monday"

Fisola walked into the locker room and I made a straight face. She watched with curious eyes as she mouthed to me 'is it the job' and I nodded. I had told her about my job interview that day when I arrived at work.

I held out a finger to her, telling her not to make a sound and she immediately pursed her lips and nodded

"Okay, sure. Thank you" I said as I ran my hand through my braids.

"You're welcome. Have a good night" she said

"You too" I said before she hung up.

Fisola looked at me expectantly and I remained silent for dramatic purposes.

"Come on... What did they say?" She asked waving her hands as if to bring the words out of my mouth.

"Well they said..." I drawled

"Uh huh"

"I got the job" I screamed in excitement and she joined in

"Aaah, I'm so happy for you" she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you"

Some of our co-workers walked in on our hugging moment, probably after hearing our screams. They gave us weird, lost stares as they moved to the respective lockers.

"I don't even know what the job entails" I said when we pulled apart.

"But it's a job nonetheless" she added. "That would pay more this one does"


"It better" she said. "If not, all that screaming and hugging was for nothing"

I laughed out and she joined in.


I had just put Zozo to bed when I heard a knock on my door. It was Noah.

"Hey" he said as he stepped in. "Sorry, I couldn't drop you off today"

"It's fine" I waved it off.

"I have some good news" I announced happily.

I had not yet told Noah that I had gotten the job because I wanted to tell him in person, so I decided I would do it tomorrow but now that he was here, I didn't have to wait anymore.

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