Chapter Forty-five

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Ijeoma's POV


He ignored my shocked countenance, pushing me to side as he brushed past me. He boldly walked into the living room like he owned the place.

I moved to close the front door and go after him but decided against it, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"What are you doing here" I gritted out, not wanting Zozo to hear me.

He turned from admiring the living room's intricate designs and settling his icy gaze on me. He hadn't changed much, his thin rugged look had been beefed up with a little fat here and there but his eyes still held the same fear-inducing effect it did years ago. He was on all black; vest and trousers with a black and red checkered satchel slung across his shoulder in such a way that it rested on the other hip.

"You look surprised to see me," he said

"How did you find me?" I asked, ignoring his statement.

"You know that friend of yours, what's her name again" he snapped his fingers in the air as he tried to recollect. "A-han, Angela... Bumped into her a few days ago. You know, I used to tell you that she had a very loose mouth on her, who knew it would be to my advantage one day"

"She let me know that you moved here. Pinpointing you was, well a bit of a hassle but I wouldn't bore you with the details" he said casually.

My eyes kept drifting to the stairs as he talked, hoping and praying that Zozo doesn't choose this time to come out. One, I wouldn't know what to do or say to her and two, I didn't know what Kunle's line of action would be.

He resumed his admiration for the living room. "What a beautiful house this is".

He ran his hand over the sofa, feeling the texture of the material. "Finally, found an unfortunate rich guy to sink your fangs into" he muttered underneath his breath.

"You're sick if you think I left because of money" I seethed with anger.

He held up his hand to me. "I didn't come here to argue with you--"

He reached into his satchel, brought out a brown envelope and flung it at me. "-- that would be done in court."

I gave him a death glare, I didn't register his words until I opened the envelope. As I pulled out the stapled papers in it and glanced at the contents on the first page, my heart plunged into my stomach. I felt like wind was knocked out of me as well sucking life out of me. My fingers all of a sudden weakened and the papers vibrated in my hands.

No. No. This cannot be happening right now.

He was filling for the full custody of Zozo.

"You can't be serious" I whispered out

He walked up to me with fast, menacing strides. "You really thought that I would let you take my daughter away and not come back for her"

"She's not your daughter" I managed to retort.

A wicked smile that made me break into cold sweats appeared on his face. "We'll see about that"

"You can't do this" I shot back

"This says otherwise" he pointed to the papers in my hands. "I'll take my leave now, I've wasted too much time here"

And with that he walked away, leaving me standing heart wrenched in the middle of the living room.


Noah's POV

I pulled into my driveway and brought the car to a halt. The drive back home was tedious, a trailer had collapsed on one side of the road causing massive traffic. We all had to pass a one-way road just to get out of that area.

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