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Okay, to start out I'm very sorry because I know a lot of people love this type of parody.
I'm probably the only one who actually doesn't like them.
But I hate the type of parodies done by Bart Baker and Barely Political/Key of Awesome.

Don't kill me.

But I find that the types of parodies that are made for mockery just aren't very good.
The people who write these parodies often don't even care about the actual song lyrics, in fact, most of the time, they only insult the singer/band who wrote it.
They aren't interesting, because there's only a few things that they actually talk about and then repeat it, phrased differently, throughout the whole song.

Sometimes I try to watch them, really, I do, but they're not even bad in a "guilty pleasure" type of way to me. They're just BAD.

Some of them can be funny, but honestly, if you watched Bart Baker's parodies, they're mostly him dressing up as female singers without even shaving or remotely trying to look female and going "BLAH BLAH BLAH I AM GOING TO USE GENERIC INSULTS THAT ANYONE COULD HAVE THOUGHT OF AND ATTEMPT TO SOUND CLEVER"

Please don't think this is against people who make good parodies, like Al Yankovic. I might have to elaborate more. Weird Al usually makes parodies where he sings about something completely different while using the tune. But these parodies, they aren't really funny, they're just insulting someone. I have yet to find one of these parodies that I actually like.

On a different hand, these parodies are better than "Not-Parodies". These are named so, no, not because they aren't parodies, but because they incessantly use the word "not" and the like. Here's an example:

Don't let it go
Don't let it go
I can hold it back some more
Don't let it go
Don't let it go
Turn away and not slam the door

(Starts laughing hysterically from their own "genius")

Here I don't stand
In the light of night
Let the storm stop raging!
The cold still bothers me anyway.

*Doge face*
Much creative
Very "not"
So original

You see, usually the Not-Parodies eventually die out, but they're usually the ones made by kids at school who think the prior type of parody is pure genius because they have no idea how to make something like that.

The worst thing is that these parodies are not referred to as the "Bart Baker parody" or the "Key of Awesome parody", but rather, "The parody" as if this is either, a. The one and only parody of this song, or b. The ultimate parody that everyone should know is the actual parody and none else shall be.
You know what? If there is a Weird Al parody of something, that will be referred to as "The good parody." If we can expect people to know what we mean by "The parody", then we should expect people to know what we mean by "The good parody."


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