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I notice people are constantly wearing shirts that are like "Nerds need love too," and have a boy and a girl holding hands.
The girl has ugly pigtails and thick glasses.
The boy has suspenders and thick glasses.
These shirts say they are about how nerds are "needing love,"
But they don't even act like nerds are human.
You could replace them with dogs and have an equally normal seeming shirt.
Why can't they have a shirt that says "Nerds are people too."

These won't help stop nerds from getting bullied.
This will make the nerds more upset when they're bullied by someone wearing a shirt promoting nerds.
Because these people couldn't care less about nerds.

I heard girls in one of my classes saying "I'm a nerd!"
You aren't a nerd for wearing glasses.
You can be a nerd for being smart, not this.
Another girl replied - "To be a nerd you gotta have high pigtails!"
They got into a conversation about the perfect nerd.
But a nerd is not looks.
A nerd is in your mind.

They tell us not to stereotype African-Americans.
Native Americans.
Any race of people.
Any type of person.
But not nerds.

What is a nerd?
What is this idea?
Is it someone who likes school?
Has overly strong likings that aren't what most people think?
Is it someone not well educated in pop culture?
Is it someone smart?
You shouldn't be bullying someone smart if you're dumb.
They should be at the top of the food chain, and not you.

Listen, all you mall-loving girls and sports-loving boys,
You may bully them today, but you'll be working for them someday.
They'll be able to fire you with a flick of their finger.
But you probably won't get a job that good.
While they are an entrepreneur, you'll be a McDonald's worker.
While they cure cancer, you'll be digging trenches.
The world isn't saved by touchdowns, it's saved by ideas.

As soon as this ridiculous fad goes away, gone will be the thick glasses. Gone will be the suspenders and high pigtails.
Gone will be the false sense of niceness to nerds.

And I'll be happy.
Don't mistake this for a dislike of nerds -- oh no, I truly would befriend a nerd.
This is a dislike for the nerd promoters.
Nerds aren't animals.
Nerds are people.


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