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I have less friends than you.
What is wrong with this sentence?
The answer is in the title.

It's the word less.
Because this is one of the most common grammatical errors I've seen.
Less vs. fewer.

If you are talking about something that you can count, then you would say fewer.
You can count a number of cats, so you would say, "I have fewer cats."
If you are talking about something you can't count, you would say less.
You can't count water, so you would say, "I have less water."
Makes sense?

If not, just remember:
If you say "how many," say fewer.
If you say "how much," say less.

Let's try it out.

Take something, say, reads, as this is Wattpad.
Well, you can count reads, and you would say "How many reads do you have?" and not "How much reads do you have?"
Therefore, you would say fewer.

How about time?
You can't count time itself (I have five time? No, doesn't work.) and you would say, "How much time do you have?"
Therefore, you would say less.

This is very simple, isn't it?
Please stop using less so much.
Less is actually less common than you'd think.


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