YouTuber books

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YouTuber books.
*dramatic music*

So, in the last couple of months, many YouTube stars have been releasing books.

My opinion?
Oh, I think it's a great idea.
Some people don't.

There's a lot of people who have taken a very, very negative stance on these books.
I can sort of see why, some of the books do suck, however, many of their negative stances don't have much reasoning behind them.

For example:

Here's a quote from someone who was angry that Dan and Phil wrote a book:

"I would like to address something the people that oppose my stance bring up a lot, which is that 'Dan and Phil made this book for the fans and not for the money'. Saying that this book is purely for the fans is extremely naïve. Anything that we have to pay for to enjoy is not altruistic."

Oh my god.
I'm laughing just reading this.

Do you stand at the supermarket and yell at the manager because you have to pay to get food you enjoy? Because that food is there so that you will survive, and that's pretty much entirely for you.
OF COURSE you have to pay to enjoy things, but that doesn't mean it's not completely for you, and in your interest. Yes, maybe the books aren't only for the fans, but there's a reason behind that.

Do you realize that there's probably fewer people who can make a good living off one YouTube channel than make it into the NBA?
So, for all the people who can't make as good a living off YoutTube, or just want more than the average salary, a book is a pretty good idea!

Your fans like the idea of reading something you (or a ghostwriter) wrote about you, and you get money that way! EVERYONE IS HAPPY!

Let's look at another quote, this is fun.

"Had Dan and Phil simply wanted to do something just for us, they would not ask for our money. Had Dan and Phil simply wanted to make a book for themselves, they would not have asked for our money (but rather made it into a video series for example). There are many alternatives to a £17 book and a £80 tour ticket, such as DM'ing exclusive selfies to lucky fans on Twitter or sending out free merchandise every month to a lucky viewer."

Do you know why autobiographical books are made? Because it seems like you don't.
Why? Simple. It's their own life. They know all this stuff, and more.
Autobiographies are written for the reader to know more about the author.
That doesn't make it 'pandering to the viewers', that makes it a normal autobiography.

Why is it not a video series? Because these YouTubers make a living off making videos. A video series is nothing special, it would just be like nothing new.

While free merchandise would be nice, but it would only give them a bit of money or none at all. Either the recipient buys one more thing from the shop, or just keeps the free thing and does nothing more.
Worst case, fewer people buy from the shop because the figure that they could get it for free.

And no one really wants an exclusive selfie. Really.

YouTube isn't the best job. They need this money. The books are a good idea.

I agree with you, but I still like the idea of other things instead of books.

What the hell? Why are you here? I thought I got rid of you!

I know you think that. But you can't get rid of me. You're stuck with me.

You're creeping me out. I'm just going to end this chapter here.

No! You've pushed me down long eno-

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