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The Hate U Give Trailer

"Thug life?" Yang asked in confusion.

"Another one of your vague quotes that none of us have a clue of guessing." Weiss said with a sigh.

"Well they aren't for you, they're for my sponsors." Bill said with his hand on his hips.

"Sponsors?" Sienna asked.

"Wait, you have sponsors for all of this?" Taiyang asked.

"Sponsors, commenters, it's all the same to me anyway." Bill replied.

"Well you did mention something about the faunus so I assume this will be a faunus centered universe." Blake guessed.

"Well this will be torture." Jacques commented as he received some glares.

"Your entire existence is torture." Willow said as she rolled her eyes.

"And it's apparently depressing too." Ilia reminded.

"How depressing can it be?" Sun asked.

"Robyn what happens at the lower echelons of Atlas?" Bill asked.

"Well the...oh no..." Robyn stopped herself with wide eyes.

"Yup! Enjoy, if you can." Bill exclaimed as he teleported to his seat and started the trailer.

"What? What happens?" Whitley asked.

The trailer began by showing a car being started and the radio being turned on as the was shown driving through Atlas at night and music blared from the radio, within the car was Blake and Sun. Blake smiled at Sun and turned to look forward while Sun smirked at her.

"Man you're coming at me for my music but you listen to this old stuff." Blake said.

"Old stuff? Man you better get up out of here with all that, Pac is the truth." Sun said, feigning offence.

"Pac? The goat faunus?" Adam asked.

"Who?" Ruby asked.

"A faunus that revolutionized both rap and spoke the truth through his music." Blake explained.

"I thought he was a faunus terrorist that just hated humans?" Weiss said.

"Your father tell you that?" Adam asked with a scoff.

"Yes...he did." Weiss said as she narrowed at Jacques.

"Try not to be so close minded, the world is not as black and white as you might think." Ghira suggested.

"His music was fire." Neptune said.

"It still is." Sun exclaimed with a grin.

"Huh, we should listen to some if it's that good." Yang suggested.

"A listening party with you guys would be fun." Jaune said.

The car parked as Sun rested his arm over Blake's side of the seat.

"Sun, I got a girlfriend." Blake said as she looked at Sun.

"Yeah I heard but it's all good." Sun said with a shrug.

"Really?" Blake asked.

"We've been together our whole lives Blake," Sun said with a smile "We got time."

"So you two are childhood sweethearts huh?" Coco asked with an amused smirk.

Blake blushed with a smile "I guess so."

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