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The Hitman's Bodyguard Trailer

"These universes are exciting," Nicholas commented gleefully "Are we all in these things."

"Well a different you has to exist somewhere." Glynda responded.

"I still can't seem to have a grasp on it." Whitley voiced out.

"Think of it this way, that screen is the largest mirror ever and it has so many cracks that your reflection shows in each one but each reflection is a different version of you." Blake explained.

"Oh I get it, I could be me and another reflection could be...a huntsman?" Whitley suggested.

"Exactly, you can literally be anything and you wouldn't even know it." Yang said.

"Hmm, I guess that makes sense." Whitley said.

"Preposterous!" Jacques exclaimed.

"Quiet you." Bill said "This next one is for some comedic value."

"Thank Oum." Summer said with a sigh.

"I need a good laugh." Taiyang said.

"But it does show you a bit of action." Bill added.

"Now you're speaking my language." Yang said.

"What are you waiting for? Let's see it!" Ruby exclaimed and most of the occupants in the room agreed.

"Alright." Bill said as he flipped his remote and started the trailer.

"I hope my family isn't in danger in this one." Willow said.

"It'll be fine, I think." Amber said as she pats her back.

The trailer began by showing Jaune in formal attire as he stood in a clean house, he stood in front of a painting as it shifted to reveal various weapons.

"I'm a triple A rated, executive, protection agent." Jaune explained as he took a pistol and holstered it then the camera switched to show him pressing a button in a car as a car was soon shown and Jaune looked towards its direction.

"Impressive." Ironwood said with a complimentary nod.

"Triple A is no easy feat." Ozpin added as he was also slightly impressed.

"So Jaune is like a butt-kicking bodyguard in this one?" Ruby asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Awesome." Jaune uttered with stars in his eyes.

"I wonder who he's protecting." Cinder asked.

"Probably someone important like a rich dude or something." Mercury guessed.


"And you're the most wanted hitman in the world." Jaune continued as a helicopter was shown flying over Vale then a person with a sniper was shown.

"I can see why, that's a Barret M82. High class rifle with a built in silent scope." Ruby summarized with a satisfied smirk.

"It's scary that you know that." Oscar muttered.

"So you hate to study anything from school but when it comes to sniper rifles you're an encyclopedia?" Weiss asked with a dull look.

"Don't judge me." Ruby said as she ate her popcorn with a cute pout.

An explosion was shown on a bridge.


"Wait, you're a bodyguard for a hitman?" Sun asked.

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