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Tomb Raider Trailer

"So we're in agreement right?" Saphron asked excitedly "We're going gator hunting when we go back home."

"I never agreed to that!" Jaune cried out hysterically.

"Oh c'mon! It'll be fine and besides," Saphron said as her tone turned deadly serious "Those overgrown lizards have to pay."

Bill groaned as he listened to what God Raven and Nanny Glynda were suggesting to him.

"You know you have to Bill." God Raven said.

"No I don't, they can react to it just fine by themselves." Bill retorted.

"But it wouldn't be right and besides a few people are still missing." Nanny Glynda argued.

Bill groaned once again as Salem and Amber were interested in what was being said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amber asked.

Bill didn't answer as he floated to the front and cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"You guys ready to see the next one?" Bill asked.

"Oh yeah!" Yang responded.

"What is it about this time?" Winter asked.

"Yeah about that," Bill said as he took out his cane and swung it to his right, opening a blue portal.

"We're expanding the gang; hope you don't mind." Bill announced as four figures fell through the portal.

Everyone was shocked to see that the four figures were Whitely Schnee, Jacques Schnee, Willow Schnee and Nicholas Schnee.

"Mother!? Whitely!?" Winter and Weiss Schnee shouted in shock.

"Jacques Schnee!!" Adam shouted in anger with Sienna growling next to him.

"Who's the old dude?" Sun asked pointing at the Schnee in armor.

"Old Nick?" Qrow asked in shock, looking at Nicholas.

"How are you alive?" Ozpin asked in equal shock.

"OW! My head." Whitley said with a groan as he looked at everyone in the theater.

"I demand to know where we are, this instant!" Jacques shouted.

"Please calm down dear." Willow said quietly.

Jacques glared at her "You dare command me!"

Jacques was approaching her but Nicholas grabbed him by the neck and lifted him high up in the air.

"I never liked you, you little weasel." Nicholas expressed with a growl "In fact I can snap your neck right now."

Jacques looked at him in fear as Willow tried to push her father away.

"Father please, he isn't worth it!" Willow cried.

"Just end our suffering here and now." Adam said as he wanted Nicholas to continue.

"This is the best soap drama I have ever seen." Mercury stated as he ate his popcorn and all the villains nodded to this.

"Nicholas calm yourself!" Ozpin demanded.

"Stop this now!" Glynda exclaimed.

"Bill! Do something!" Weiss pleaded.

Bill blinked a couple of times and looked around "I'm sorry what?"

"You fell asleep with your eye open, didn't you?" Nanny Glynda asked.

Bill nervously laughed and stretched his hand towards Jacques, grabbing him and shoving him at corner seat far away from everyone as chains wrapped around him.

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