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Tom Clancy's: The Divison Trailer

The cast was silent as the trailer started.

The first thing that was shown was ransacked shelves and through them were people in hazmat suits carrying flamethrowers and the camera had a woman's heavy breathing.

"When our City started to collapse." Jaune's voice said.

The person across the shelves walked away as the camera swerved to the right and another person with a hazmat suit and a flamethrower stood there.

"The dark side of humanity, took control of the streets." Jaune's voice finished

Everyone had mixed reactions about Jaune's words. The beacon students and their teachers were horrified, while most of the criminals were intruiged.

"What happened?" Ruby asked fearfully.

"Nothing good." Blake answered dreadfully.

The man with the Flamethrower aimed it at the camera as the woman holding it begged. She dropped the camera as the man burned her alive. It didn't show it but her horrific scream was enough.

Most of the members of the theater gasped.

"W-why?" Ruby asked as she couldn't comprehend it.

"Bill! What is This?!" Yang shouted.

Bill shrugged "I did say I was going to show you everything. It's your fault for not being prepared."

"Why you-" Yang shouted but was cut off.

"He's right Yang." Qrow said.

"Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked.

All eyes were now on Qrow as he spoke.

"It was bound to happen. Not every universe is sunshine and rainbows, we might be seeing each other die in these things and you should do well to be ready now." Qrow said as he took a sip of his drink.

The room was silent as everyone thought about what he said. Most of the adults agreed but the teens were still finding it hard to adjust to.

"We can get through it." Ruby said and all eyes were on her.

"Really now?" Bill asked

"Yeah. If we are to become Huntsmen and Huntresses then we have to be ready for anything." Ruby said and the teens started agreeing with her.

Bill Rolled his eye "Whatever. Just don't blame me if it gets too much for you."


Men in masks and were holding guns were shown walking through a desolate street. Then Roman was shown holding a gun and standing in front of a man while his goons held him in place.


"This city fell apart." Roman said.

"What caused the city to become such a state?" Glynda asked shocked

"So I'm the leader of a bunch of rioters?" Roman asked.

"To be fair, you are in charge of the public so that's technically a plus. I guess." Cinder said.

"Do you think it was Grimm?" Jaune asked.

"I doubt Grimm would be in another universe." Weiss said.

"It's crazy out here." Roman said as a man hit a man over the head with a baseball bat.

"This is what happens when chaos ensues." Ozpin said.

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