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Violent Night Trailer

"A violent night?" Oscar asked fearfully.

"Great! More trauma!" Jaune exclaimed sarcastically.

"Dearest Bill, will this night perhaps include the following aspects," Roman said as Neo handed him a list, "Murder, thievery, violence and batshit insanity?"

"Yes." Bill responded.

"Which one of those will be in there?" Emerald asked.

"All of them." Bill responded, teleporting to his seat.

"Fuck yeah!" Yang exclaimed and many others celebrated as well although quite a few others weren't so excited at the prospect of witnessing murder once again.

"Yeah, yeah, a few things before we start I'd like to introduce y'all to the concept of Christmas." Bill started, confusing them.

"Chris must what?" Yang asked.

"What?" Bill asked.

"You said Christ must." Yang reiterated.

"What must Chris do?" Weiss asked.

"Better question, who's Chris?" Ruby asked.

"Ahh geez." Bill said with a face palm, "Christmas! I said Christmas!"

"What's a Christmas?" Jaune asked.

"Glynds." Bill said and she teleported to his side.

"Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Primus celebrates this holiday worldwide and its inhabitants use it to spend time with their families, give each other gifts and spread love and cheer all in a single day. Truly a time of happiness." Nanny Glynda explained.

"Primus?" Ironwood asked with a raised brow.

"The prime universe, don't worry about it." Bill said nonchalantly.

"Interesting." Ozpin said with a hum.

"So, an entire world decided to just spread love and cheer all in a single day?" Winter asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Most of them do." Bill said with a shrug, "And besides, why wouldn't you when the big man up north knows when you did his entire schtick wrong?"

"Oum?" Pyrrha asked in reference to the big man up north.

"No, you goobers. Old saint Nick." Bill stated and most eyes snapped to Nicholas.

"Well, I am from the North." Nicholas said with a boisterous laugh.

"Yeah, not him. Not the Primus version anyway." Bill stated.

"I don't get it." Ruby stated and many nodded in agreement.

"Old saint Nick aka Santa Claus is a mythical being of love and cheer and all that lovey dovey crap. He is the definition of Christmas, most famous for being the face of it and kicking God's golden boy to the curb." God Raven stated, "He travels the globe on Christmas night and delivers every kid in the entire world a gift. Well every nice kid anyway."

"The deplorable ones earn piles of coal." Nanny Glynda added.

"Wait, wait, so this random guy from the north travels the entire world in one night and gives every kid a present?" Yang asked in surprise and all three gods nodded.

"That's preposterous!" Jacques exclaimed, "Impossible even!"

"I don't think you should be saying that after all we've come to experience." Salem told him.

Many were confused and unbelieving of this tall tale, but Salem's point did manage to convince a few. Between assassins, superheroes, giant lizards, would a gift giving goody two shoes be much different than what they've already come to witness?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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