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Resident Evil 3 Trailer

"Something evil huh?" Roman asked with interest.

Oscar gulped "I don't like the sound of that."

"We've seen some pretty messed up things Bill," Ironwood stated with narrowed eyes "Is this another one of your sick jokes?"

"Oh please, this universe is still pretty tame compared to others." Bill replied with an eye roll.

"I just hope it isn't as real as the last one." Robyn muttered.

"Alright! You might recognize it, so enjoy!" Bill exclaimed as he teleported to his seat and started the trailer.


The camera showed a road at night as the shadow of someone or something walked by, though they were groaning and growling.

A dog's feet were shown running through the dirty streets.

Zombies were shown walking through damaged and destroyed streets.

"I've never seen anything like it, I haven't been able to sleep since then." Lionheart voiced over.

"Wait a second, we're back here!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"Resident Evil!" Salem exclaimed excitedly.

"Ohh, heh nice one Bill!" Yang exclaimed with a thumbs up at his subtle pun.

"Oh the universe that you two messed up in!" Adam laughed as he pointed at Jacques and Willow.

Ruby sighed "Of course it's zombies, what else is more evil than zombies?!"

"Quite a lot but it is still one of the most prominent fear factors." Penny replied.

Ruby stared at her for a moment and clown makeup flashed onto Penny's face then as Ruby blinked, it was gone "Nevermind, I remembered something much worse."


A man and a woman were shown walking in the rain in another part of the city. A billboard with the words 'UMBRELLA' was shown as an unstructured part of the city was shown

"The large sinkhole in the city." Robyn voiced.


The vale police department's floor was shown with the symbol painted into the ground and bloody footsteps left next to it.

"You gotta stay strong. Okay, don't give into fear out there." Ironwood voiced over.

"How did this happen!?" Oobleck asked.

"Everything is happening exactly the same though." Coco said as she noticed.

"Bill did you run out of universes or something?" Yang asked.

Bill scoffed "I wish! But this is actually a separate story that is happening in the same city Jaune and Pyrrha are in."

"Interesting, a universe with more than one story." Ozpin said as he was intrigued.


"Now calm down buddy, calm down." Ironwood said as Pyrrha and Weiss were shown running across a bridge.


A hallways was shown as someone shadowed and holding a gun with a flashlight in hand was shown.


An orphanage was shown with a cartoonish carpet at the bottom though this did not help the dark atmosphere as a child was shown walking through the dark orphanage halls as lightning struck.

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