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Captain America: The First Avenger Trailer

Each of the MMC bathrooms were occupied by the people of Remnant who were in the process of puking their guts out. Nanny Glynda created clones of herself to help or soothe everyone as they emptied their stomachs, some like Tyrian and Salem didn't even need help since Tyrian enjoyed the last trailer fully while Salem did feel sick but she managed to hold it in.

"There, there, just let it all out." Nanny Glynda soothed as she rubbed Ruby's back and wiped her tears.

Ruby seemed to the worst one that was affected since she couldn't stop crying and she emptied all the food in her stomach out.

"T-thanks..." Ruby muttered sadly.

"I know what you saw was a bit rough to say the least but remember that not all of your different lives are happy, most do what they can to survive." Nanny Glynda said.

Ruby blew her nose "I...I...guess you're right."

"And you've seen some pretty bad things before the one you've just seen, am I right?" Nanny Glynda asked.

Ruby slowly nodded "Yeah...We have..."

"Now come on, let's get you a snack so we can go back. I'll make sure Bill refrains from making you watch something like that for a while." Nanny Glynda said.

Ruby nodded with a small smile as she got up "You know you're a lot nicer than professor Goodwitch."

Nanny Glynda chuckled "Of course dear, she wishes she could be me."

Ruby giggled as they walked out of the bathroom. As they came out, Ruby saw everyone being helped by different clones of Nanny Glynda, either talking to them or making them snacks.

"You can make more of yourself?!" Ruby asked in shock.

"Yes, basic spell but effective." Nanny Glynda said.

"Can you teach me some magic?" Ruby asked with stars in her eyes.

Nanny Glynda smirked at her "I don't see why not although we'll just stick with the basics, we wouldn't want you to be OP now would we?"

Ruby tilted her head in confusion "OP? What's that?"

Nanny Glynda chuckled as she walked away, leaving a confused Ruby. A yellow blur breezed past Nanny Glynda and tackled Ruby to the ground, Ruby groaned as she was being crushed in a bear hug by her sister.

"Sis! Are you okay?! Did you puke?! You smell like you puked! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Yang shouted rapidly.

"Yes. Yes. Rude. And yes again." Ruby answered as she pushed Yang off her. "Are you okay?"

Yang sighed "Yeah, seeing something like that was scary but I'll be okay."

Ruby looked behind her and towards Nora who looked sad but she was scarfing down an unprecedented amount of pancakes.

"Is Nora okay?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. She's a little shaken up but we both agreed to not think about it and just move on." Yang said as the rest of their team approached them.

"You guys okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Yang said as she brought her sister into a side hug.

"I still can't believe that triangle would show us that kind of stuff." Weiss said.

"Well he did warn us." Ruby defended.

"Yeah but that was brutal, inhumane in fact." Weiss shot back.

"Why? You would do the same thing to those creatures you call Grimm without a second thought, why was that so different?" God Raven asked as she appeared out of nowhere.

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