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21 Bridges Trailer

"Why would you ask us that?" Glynda asked.

"Because it relates to the next universe." Bill said with a shrug.

"What is it? A universe about building the 21 bridges of Vale?" Mercury asked with a laugh but soon noticed that Bill was just staring at him and stopped "It's not actually someone building the 21 bridges of Vale right?"

"Nope!" Bill replied as he teleported to his seat and started the universe.

The trailer started by showing people gathered in a church for a funeral as the pastor spoke and a picture of man with red hair an in a police uniform over a casket was shown.

"Your father died protecting this city." The pastor said as a young Adam looked on in tears.

"Wait, what? My father was a police officer in this universe?" Adam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A well respected one it seems." Sienna added.

"A universe about Adam huh? Perfect..." Blake drawled with an eye roll.

"Hey, anything can happen in these things so I guess I'm fine with it." Yang said with a shrug.

"That's so sad though, he lost his father at a young age. No child should have to go through that." Kali said with a frown.

God Raven shrugged "Eh, Anime characters are used to it by now."

"Precinct! Halt!" A man shouted and the entire police force saluted as Adam's father was carried out the church.

"Had to have done some great things to earn that kind of respect." Vernal said as she was impressed at that level of respect.

"Yeah, looks like the other me has some pretty big shoes to fill in." Adam said.

"You really think he's going to become a police officer like his father?" Raven asked.

Adam smirked with a nod "I know myself."

"He taught you to follow your conscience." The pastor continued as Adam was shown to have grown older as he stared out at Vale from the docks "In an often cruel world."

"Sounds like a man that I would love to have a drink with." Qrow said with a smile.

"Sounds like someone you needed in life." Vernal said as she smirked at Adam.

Adam rolled his eyes "I believe what I do is right and I stand by that decision."

"Now we see what those teachings will affect Adam." Ozpin said as he sipped on his coffee.

"What happened?" Adam asked as a street littered with police cars and officers was shown and two officers let Adam past the yellow tape.

"Worst day in 18 years." Ironwood stated as he walked with Adam.

"I still can't believe that Adam of all people is a police officer!" Blake exclaimed.

"Believe it sweetheart, because it's happening." Adam said with a smirk.

"Do I really have to work with him?" Ironwood asked.

"He's a good detective." Nanny Glynda replied.

"But he's Adam Taurus!" Winter exclaimed.

"He's a really good detective." Nanny Glynda added.

"How many cops?" Adam asked.

"8." Ironwood replied.

"Oh wow." Saphron said with widened eyes.

"So it's a homicide, homicide." Roman said as he nodded at the seriousness of the situation.

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