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Hustlers Trailer

"Ok let's do this." Bill said as he pressed the button on his remote and teleported back to his seat.

The trailer started by showing Blake sitting down on a stage while she watched someone wrap their leg around a pole. It was then revealed that the leg belonged to Cinder.

"Front hook." Cinder said.

Everybody was shocked and there was a moment of silence until...

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" Cinder shouted.

Roman laughed "Ha!! Oh universe you are a wonderful mistress indeed!"

"Blake...uh...why are you watching Cinder...pole dancing?" Yang asked with wide eyes, she felt a bit of jealousy and she couldn't understand why.

"I don't know..." Blake said.

"No complaints here." Qrow said with a smirk on his face.

"Women should be free to express themselves." Mercury said "EXPRESS AWAY CINDER!"

That earned him a knuckle sandwich courtesy of Cinder as she had a blush of embarrassment on her face.

"Please Oum don't make this what I think it is." Ghira prayed.

Cinder then changed the position of her leg.

"Ankle hook." Cinder said as she gestured to her leg.

She then changed positions again, wrapping her leg around the pole.

"Knee hook." Cinder stated.

"From here you can do the carousel." Cinder said as she sung around the pole, the scene briefly changed to a crowded room and a lit up stage as she did this.

"I didn't know being a stripper required learning techniques." Velvet commented.

"Oh it does, we went to a class once." Militia started.

"And we have never been more tired in our lives." Melanie finished.

Yang smirked "Hey Blake-"

"Don't even think about it young lady!" Raven shouted.

"But I-"

"You heard her, stay in school!" Summer shouted.

Yang pouted as Ruby and Nora giggled.

"Bill!? Should the children be watching this?" Glynda asked.

Bill rolled his eye "I don't really care."

"Then switch and wrap." Cinder instructed as she wrapped her legs around the pole still spinning, the scene transitioned to the lit up stage again.

"Take notes Neo, you never know when these skills will get useful." Roman said.

Registering what he said, Neo slowly turned her head towards him with a ferocious glare. Roman gave her a sheepish laugh but he never expected a punch to the face from her.

As Cinder did more moves, Emerald was shown with her tongue sticking out then Coco was shown dropping her heels onto a desk.

"I'm in it huh...great." Coco said dully.

"Cinder really isn't bad on that pole." Militia commented.

"Thank, that makes me feel so much better." Cinder said as she groaned "I can't believe I'm a freaking stripper."

"Being a stripper isn't bad, it's just like any job." Vernal said.

"Except you get to the point of being barely clothed and dance for money." Raven countered.

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