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Split Trailer

"We already know mental disorders are important issues." Watts stated.

"Didn't expect you to say it." Ironwood said in surprise.

Watts rolled his eyes "I work with Tyrian, it's a given."

"Thanks buddy!" Tyrian laughed.

"Anyway, this universe is going to be about a supervillain in a more realistic sense of the word." Bill said.

"Will there be superheroes?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"Not really no," Bill replied and Ruby frowned "Well not yet."

"He's not really a villain, he just needs help." Nanny Glynda articulated.

"Sounds like a complicated guy." Yang said.

"You have no idea." God Raven said.

"Just see for yourself." Bill said, teleporting to his seat and starting the trailer.

The trailer starts with Blake, Yang and Coco walking through a parking lot with Taiyang. They get in the car as Taiyang loads the groceries in the trunk, he notices someone approaching and within the car Blake sat in the front seat while Yang and Coco sat at the back giggling on about something on Yang's Scroll.

"Blake, you really have to interact more with your friends." Kali advised.

Blake shrugged "I interact with them enough."

"Yeah, she's not wrong." Yang agreed.

"We're just glad she goes out with us...sometimes." Ruby said.

"Always the loner." Adam said with a shake of his head.

"Girl wants to be alone, can't change a person for that." Coco said with a shrug.

The driver's side door opens and Blake goes to put on her seatbelt but then she notices the groceries that Taiyang was loading up on the ground.

"That's not good." Ruby said.

"What happened?" Summer asked worriedly.

Blake turns to see Adam but he wore a buttoned up shirt and glasses, Allen, shaking his head as Yang and Coco notice him as well.

"Well that's creepy." Cinder said.

"Dude! What the hell are you doing in my car!?" Taiyang exclaimed.

Blake shifted uncomfortably at this "I don't like this..."

"Okay, I hope this goes in different direction from what I'm thinking about." Adam said.

"Wait, what happened to Taiyang?" Summer asked.

"Yeah, what happened to dad?" Ruby asked.

"Hey, pardon me sir. I think you have the wrong car." Yang said as Allen puts on a mask.

He suddenly turns and sprays Yang in the face then Coco as Blake watched on in fear as he grabs her head.

"Goddamnit! It went exactly where I thought it would go." Adam exclaimed.

"He dares touch my daughter." Ghira growled.

"My thoughts exactly." Taiyang growled as both glared at the screen.

"Blake..." Kali muttered worriedly.

"She better be okay..." Raven muttered as she narrowed her eyes at the screen as well.

"He just caught us off guard, that's all. There's three of us and one of him, so we can just jump him right?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard." Coco said.

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